
Saturday, September 26, 2009

16W Audio Amplifier with LM383 schematic diagram

Here the 16 watt power audio amplifier circuit powered by dual IC LM383. The single LM383 will amplify the input about 7-8 watt, dual IC should be gain up to 16 watt. You can use wide voltage range 5V - 20V to supply the power IC.
16W Audio Amplifier with LM383 schematic diagram
Component list:

U1, U2____________ LM383 power IC
R1, R3____________ 220 Ohm resistor
R2, R4____________ 2.2 Ohm resistor
R5________________ 1 MegaOhm resistor
R6________________ 100k potentiometer
C1, C7____________ 10uf electrolytic capacitor
C2, C5____________ 470uf electrolytic capacitor
C3, C4, C6________ 0.2uf ceramic capacitor
SPKR1_____________ 4 to 8 ohm speaker (up to 8 inches diameter)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

10 Watt Amplifier with TDA2009A Schematic Diagram

This is schematic diagram of 10 watt power audio amplifier using TDA2009A as the main component.
10 Watt Amplifier with TDA2009A Schematic Diagram

Component list:

R1, R3_________ 1K2 ohm
R2, R4_________ 18 ohm
R5, R6_________ 1 ohm
C1, C2_________ 3u3 50V mini
C3_____________ 22uF 16V
C5_____________ 100uF 35V
C6, C7_________ 220uF 10V
C10, C11_______ 2200uF 35V
C4, C8, C9_____ 100nF
IC_____________ TDA2009A
Heat sink
Download 10 Watt Amplifier with TDA2009A Schematic Diagram in PDF version HERE

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Preamp + Tone Control Circuit

This is a preamp and tone control which combined in in one circuit.
P1 to control the volume level, P2 to control Bass level and P3 to control Treble level.
Preamp + Tone Control Circuit

This is a mono channel circuit, build another equal circuit to make this circuit stereo.



C1,C2,C9____470nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C3,C4_______47nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C5,C6_______6n8 63V Polyester Capacitors
C7__________10µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitor
C8,C10______22µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C11_________470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor

Q1,Q3_______BC550C 45V 100mA Low noise High gain NPN Transistors
Q2__________2N3819 General-purpose N-Channel FET