
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Simple Gate Alarm

Here the simple gate alarm circuit that built based on CMOS IC 4093B. With CMOS IC, this circuit must be work with small universal power supply.
Simple Gate Alarm circuit diagram

IC1a is a fast oscillator, and IC1b a slow oscillator, which are combined through IC1c to emit a high pip-pip-pip warning sound when a gate (or window, etc.) is opened. The circuit is intended not so much to sound like a siren or warning device, but rather to give the impression: "You have been noticed." R1 and D1 may be omitted, and the value of R2 perhaps reduced, to make the Gate Alarm sound more like a warning device. VR1 adjusts the frequency of the sound emitted.

IC1d is a timer which causes the Gate Alarm to emit some 20 to 30 further pips after the gate has been closed again, before it falls silent, as if to say: "I'm more clever than a simple on-off device." Piezo disk S1 may be replaced with a LED if desired, the LED being wired in series with a 1K resistor.

Figure 2 shows how an ordinary reed switch may be converted to close (a "normally closed" switch) when the gate is opened. A continuity tester makes the work easy. Note that many reed switches are delicate, and therefore wires which are soldered to the reed switch should not be flexed at all near the switch. Other types of switches, such as microswitches, may also be used.


Friday, November 13, 2009

High Frequency Waveform Generator schematic

This is a waveform generator based on IC with wide operating frequency, Maxim MAX038. This IC is able to generate frequency between 0.1Hz to 20MHz.

Here the schematic diagram:

High Frequency Waveform Generator circuit diagram

  • The circuit can be used to generate square wave, triangle, or sine wave by programming the pin inputs (A0:pin 3, A1:pin 4).
    • A0 A1 WAVEFORM
    • X 1 Sine wave
    • 0 0 Square wave
    • 1 0 Triangle wave
  • The frequency can be controlled using current. If we disconnect the 20k RIN from REF (pin 1) and connect it to a DAC, then we can control the frequency using microcontroller or digital interface. We can even control the chip using a quartz crystal (PLL) by controlling the current using a phase comparator output that compares the sync output (pin 14 of MAX038) and a reference clock from quartz crystal oscillator.

Just try to build this circuit... :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Light Detector

This is a circuit diagram of light detector. This circuit can be used as a sensor of automatic lamp switch, thic circuit also can be used for anti theft alarm circuit.

Schematic diagram:
electronic circuit diagram

Use variable resistor R1 to adjust the light threshold at which the circuit triggers. R1's value is chosen to match the photocells resistance at darkness. The circuit uses a CMOS 4001 IC. Gate U1a acts as the trigger, U1b and c form a latch. S1 to reset the circuit. You may used piezo buzzer or LED as output indicator, you may use both of them.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Active FM Antenna Booster circuit

This is an active antenna booster. It's mean that the circuit require a power supply to be works.

Active FM Antenna Booster circuit

Input coil L1 consists of four turns of 20SWG enamelled copper wire (slightly space wound) over 5mm diameter former. It is tapped at the first turn from ground lead side. Coil L2 is similar to L1, but has only three turns. Pin configuration of transistor 2SC2570 is shown in the fm antenna booster schematic. Adjust input/output trimmers (VC1/VC2) for maximum gain.