
Monday, May 30, 2011

Audio Light Modulator Schematic Circuit

Audio Light Modulator Schematic CircuitAudio Light Modulator Schematic Circuit

Audio ablaze modulations add to the amusement of music during functions organised at home or outdoors. Presented actuality is one such simple ambit in which ablaze is articulate application a baby atom of the audio achievement from the apostle terminals of the audio amplifier. The achievement from the apostle terminals of audio amplifier is affiliated to a agent (output agent acclimated in transistor radios) through a non-polarised capacitor.

The use of agent is capital for isolating the audio antecedent from the ambit in The acuteness ascendancy potentiometer VR1 provided in the ascribe to transistor T1 may be adapted to ensure that advice takes abode alone afterwards the AF exceeds assertive amplitude. This ascendancy has to be adapted as per audio antecedent level. The audio arresting Proper earthing of the ambit is absolutely essential. The diode arch provides pulsating DC achievement and acts as a bouncer ambit amid the mains ascribe and pulsating DC output. Extreme affliction is all-important to abstain any electric shock

AC to DC 90 Watt Switching Adaptor

AC to DC 90 Watt Switching AdaptorAC to DC 90 Watt Switching Adaptor Circuit

AC to DC switching adaptor circuit with best achievement ability of 90W. Switching ability accumulation is congenital application a aerial voltage ability switching regulator IC MC33374 and some added added components. The MC33374 IC is a caked aerial voltage ability switching regulators that are distinctively advised to accomplish anon from a rectified AC band source, and in flyback advocate applications.

The MC33374 switching ability adaptor combines the appropriate advocate functions with a different programmable accompaniment controller. At assorted capricious AC inputs, it is able of confined up to 6 A accepted at 15V achievement voltage. This switching ability adaptor is able of accouterment an achievement ability in balance of 150W with a anchored AC ascribe of 100V, 115V, or 230V, and in balance of 90 W with a capricious AC ascribe that ranges

Saturday, May 28, 2011

100W Transistored Inverter 12VDC to 220VAC

This inverter circuit can be used for medium electronic devices such as emergency light, radio, battery charger etc. Be carefull during assembly this circuit because of high voltage on the output transformer.

100W Inverter PCB Diagram:
100W Transistored Inverter 12VDC to 220VAC circuit diagram

100W Inverter PCB Design Layout:
100W Transistored Inverter 12VDC to 220VAC pcb layout

Source of the circuit: 100W Interver Circuit

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

LM390 Simple 2-Way Radio Intercom Circuit

LM390 Simple 2-Way Radio Intercom CircuitLM390 Simple 2-Way Radio Intercom CircuitLM390 Simple 2-Way Radio Intercom Circuit

This is a actual simple two way intercom ambit based on a LM390 audio amplifier ambit . the intercom ambit is a stand-alone cyberbanking communications arrangement advised for bound or clandestine dialogue. For this ambit you can use a 8 ohms speaker, one for anniversary base and crave a 6 volts dc ability supply. Accretion ascendancy can be done by capacitively coupling a resistor (or FET) from pin 6 to ground.

The LM390 Ability Audio Amplifier is optimized for 6V, 7.5V, 9V operation into low impedance loads. The accretion is internally set at 20 to accumulate the alien allotment calculation low, but the accession of an alien resistor and capacitor amid pins 2 and 6 wil access the accretion to any amount up to 200. The inputs are arena referenced while the achievement is automatically biased to one bisected the accumulation voltage.

11-90 hz Subwoofer Filter Using TL072 Op-Amp

11-90 hz Subwoofer Filter Using TL072 Op-Amp

The subwoofer clarify ambit allows the accession of subwoofers to an absolute full-range system, alms adjustable low-pass clarification with alternative R6 and R8 addition and mono-summing.

The Subwoofer clarify ambit to abolish for abstracted pre amplifier to drive the low abundance complete a lot. In tone, alarm tone, accustomed Can not be done … is a accomplished abysmal low bass sounds like a bass drum, or at a cine circuitous in a low articulation if we can be heard with But to add cabinets and amps. The subwoofer ambit is canyon low abundance with in 11-90 Hz. Switching ability accumulation 12V cut out if they charge to use +-15V. I had change the Capacitor to cut out vocals per the red amphitheater mark.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

45w Single Chip Amplifier with Tone Control

45w Single Chip Amplifier with Tone Control45w Single Chip Amplifier with Tone Control

This abuttals is based on the National Semiconductor LM3876. This accent is able of accustomed as abounding as 56W of affiliated boilerplate adeptness into an eight ohm bulk with 0.1% THD from 20Hz to 20Khz. Be constant to board an able calefaction bore for the package.

Use log pots for volume, bass and treble. A stereo amplifier can be complete appliance ganged pots and a Stancor 402 abettor instead of the 401.

Note that the charge of adeptness to the speakers is primarily a activity of the adeptness accession voltage and adaptation in Class A amplifier. In our case, we’re appliance a +/- 33 volt volt accession which is brash about a Stancor RT401 transformer. Use astute absorption aback animate with bandage voltages.

18W Amplifier Schematic Circuit

18W Amplifier Schematic Circuit

18W Amplifier Schematic Circuit Part List

P1_____________22K Log. Potentiometer (Dual-gang for stereo)

R1______________1K 1/4W Resistor

R2______________4K7 1/4W Resistor

R3____________100R 1/4W Resistor

R4______________4K7 1/4W Resistor

R5_____________82K 1/4W Resistor

R6_____________10R 1/2W Resistor

R7_______________R22 4W Resistor (wirewound)

R8______________1K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet (optional)

C1____________470nF 63V Polyester Capacitor

C2,C5_________100µF 3V Tantalum bead Capacitors

C3,C4_________470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors

C6____________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor

D1___________1N4148 75V 150mA Diode

IC1________TLE2141C Low noise, high voltage, high slew-rate Op-amp

Q1____________BC182 50V 100mA NPN Transistor

Q2____________BC212 50V 100mA PNP Transistor

Q3___________TIP42A 60V 6A PNP Transistor

Q4___________TIP41A 60V 6A NPN Transistor

J1______________RCA audio input socket

Power supply parts:

R9______________2K2 1/4W Resistor

C7,C8________4700µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors

D2_____________100V 4A Diode bridge

D3_____________5mm. Red LED

T1_____________220V Primary, 15 + 15V Secondary, 50VA Mains transformer

PL1____________Male Mains plug

SW1____________SPST Mains switch

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Photo Timer Circuit with 555 Microchip

Photo Timer Circuit with 555 Microchip Photo Timer Circuit with 555 Microchip Circuit Diagram

Time is set by potentiometer R2 which provides a ambit or 1 sec. To 100 abnormal with timing capacitor C1 of 100uF. The achievement at pin 3 is commonly low and the broadcast is captivated off. A cursory advance on about-face S1 energies the broadcast which is captivated bankrupt for a time 1.1 X (R1+R2). C1 and again released. The exact breadth of the timing breach will depend on the absolute capacitance of C1. Most electrolytic capacitors are rated on the base of minimum affirmed amount and the absolute amount may be higher. The ambit should be calibrated for assorted positions of the ascendancy bulge of R2 afterwards the timing capacitor has had a adventitious to age. Once the capacitor has accomplished its abiding value, the timings provided should be able-bodied aural the accurate requirements.

Photo Timer Circuit with 555 Microchip Parts List :

C1 - 100uF, 25V electrolytic
C2 - 0.01uF, disc ceramic
D1, D2 - DR50 or 1N4001
R!,R2 - 10K ohms, ¼ watts
R3 - 1 M ohms, potentiometer
RLY1 - 12V, DC relay, operating current less than 200mA
S1 - Push-to-on switch
U1 - NE555 timer IC

P1 & P2 are for exposure lamp ckt.

Long Range AM Transmitter

Long Range AM transmitter circuitLong Range AM transmitter circuit Diagram

The ambit for a able AM transmitter application bowl resonator/filter of 3.587 MHz is presented here. Resonators/filters of added frequencies such as 5.5 MHz, 7 MHz and 10.7 MHz may additionally be used. Use of altered abundance filters/resonators will absorb agnate aberration in the amount of inductor acclimated in the catchbasin ambit of oscillator affiliated at the beneficiary of transistor T1.

The AF ascribe for accentuation is amid in alternation with emitter of transistor T1 (and resistor R4) application a transistor radio blazon audio disciplinarian agent as apparent in the circuit. Articulate RF achievement is developed beyond the catchbasin ambit which can be acquainted to resonance abundance of the filter/resonator with the advice of assemblage condenser C7. The abutting two stages formed application low-noise RF transistors BF495 are, in fact, affiliated in alongside for addition of articulate arresting accompanying from beneficiary of transistor T1 to bases of transistors T2 and T3. The accumulated achievement from collectors of T2 and T3 is fed to antenna via 100pF capacitor C4.

The ambit can be calmly accumulated on a general-purpose PCB. The ambit of the transmitter is accepted to be one to two kilometers. The ambit requires adapted 9-volt ability accumulation for its operation. Note: Dotted lined indicates added affiliation if a 3-pin clarify is acclimated in place.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Circuit Diagram-Digital Volume Control

Circuit Diagram-Digital Volume ControlCircuit Diagram-Digital Volume Control

This ambit could be acclimated for replacing your chiral aggregate ascendancy in a stereo amplifier. In this circuit, push-to-on about-face S1 controls the advanced (volume increase) operation of both channels while a agnate about-face S2 controls about-face (volume decrease) operation of both channels.

A readily accessible IC from Dallas semiconductor, DS1669 is acclimated here.


* Replaces automated capricious resistors

* Electronic interface provided for agenda as able-bodied as chiral control

* Wide cogwheel ascribe voltage ambit amid 4.5 and 8 volts

* Wiper position is maintained in the absence of power

* Low-cost another to automated controls

* Applications accommodate volume, tone, contrast,brightness, and dimmer control

The ambit is acutely simple and bunched acute actual few alien components. The ability accumulation can alter from 4.5V to 8V.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Schematic Frost Detector Temperature Sensor

To apperceive whether it is freezing you alone charge to admeasurement the temperature. This has to be done accurately, of course, and accordingly we charge to accept a temperature sensor that we accept some aplomb in. The best has afresh been fabricated for a blazon that we accept already acclimated in abounding antecedent Elektor circuits, the LM35CZ (-40 to 110 °C). This sensor is not big-ticket and generates an achievement voltage that is proportional to the temperature in degrees Celsius (10 mV/°C).


An LM35 is commonly powered from a single-ended ability accumulation and 0 °C corresponds to an achievement voltage of 0 V. It is accordingly not accessible to admeasurement abrogating temperatures with an LM35 in the accepted appliance circuit. It is about accessible to admeasurement abrogating temperatures if its achievement is affiliated to a abrogating accumulation voltage via a resistor. There needs to be a accepted of 50 μA through this resistor (R2 in the schematic).
Schematic Frost Detector Temperature SensorWe alone charge to ascertain the freezing point with this circuit. That is why there is a comparator afterwards the temperature sensor, which turns an LED on if the temperature has alone beneath 0 °C during the advance of the night. To ensure that the comparator operates appropriately it is all-important that the altitude amount can become hardly added abrogating with account to the input. To break this problem, a diode (D1) has been affiliated in alternation with the arena affiliation of the LM35. The voltage bead beyond D1 (because of the baby accepted through the LM35 this is alone 0.47 V) acts as 'negative' ability supply. Since the non-inverting ascribe of comparatorIC2 is affiliated via R3 to the anode of D1 it functions as the 0°C-reference akin for the comparator.


The comparator is a accepted opamp blazon TLC271, which we configured for basal accepted burning by connecting the bias-select ascribe (pin 8) to the ability accumulation voltage. There is no charge for the detector to be fast and it will accordingly assignment able-bodied with the opamp operating in its best economical mode.

LED D3 provides the frost indication. It is the ambition that the LED stays on already the temperature in the allowance drops beneath freezing or back it has been beneath freezing. To realise this, an agee hysteresis is created with the aid of R3, R4 and D2. The burning that the achievement goes high, the non-inverting ascribe goes added absolute via D2 and R4, and the achievement accordingly stays high. The temperature would now accept to access to added than about 30° afore the LED will go out by itself. In convenance this apparently agency that it is summer and that it is not acceptable to benumb anyway. If charge be, the hysteresis can be added by accretion the amount of R3.

Schematic Frost Detector Temperature Sensor

Capacitor C2 is added to accomplish abiding that the LED charcoal off (the ambit is reset) back the ability accumulation is connected. The non-inverting ascribe of the opamp is briefly affiliated to arena and the achievement is accordingly low. R1 and S1 are alone appropriate if the ambit needs to be displace back the array is connected. Instead of S1 you could additionally use a ability accumulation about-face or alike aloof artlessly abstract the array for a moment.

Thrifty Ability supply

Since the ambit is affected to be powered from a array there was a acquainted accomplishment to minimise the ability consumption. The accepted burning of the prototype, at a ability accumulation voltage alignment from 6 to 9 V, was beneath than 120 μA. Back the LED is on, the accepted burning rises to alone 1 mA at 6V and 1.8 mA at 9V, because a low accepted LED is used. In our ancestor we acclimated a green, low-current LED.

If four AA penlight batteries (with a accommodation of about 2 Ah) are used, again the ambit will run for about two years in standby mode. Back the LED is on this is appreciably shorter, of advance (about two months, this is calmly continued abundant to run through a astringent winter period). A accepted 9-V array will additionally aftermost a distinct winter, provided you frequently analysis whether the LED is on.

Finally, a animadversion about the TLC-271CP acclimated here. The adaptation with the C-suffix is defined for an operating ambit from 0 to 70 °C, but will abide to assignment at lower temperatures, decidedly because that the IC is not acclimated in a beeline application. If in agnosticism you can consistently try to get your easily on a adaptation with the I-suffix (that is, TLC271IP: –40 to 125°C). But that is alone all-important if you apprehend it to be absolute algid in the monitored room...

Friday, May 13, 2011

9V Mini FM Transmitter

The following diagram is the circuit diagram of 9V Mini FM Transmitter.

Schematic diagram:

9V Mini FM Transmitter circuit diagram

Components List:

R1,R3 = 100K
R2 = 10K
R4 = 470 ohm
C1,C4 = 470pF
C2,C3 = 4.7µF/16V
C5,C6 = 4.7pF
C7 = 4-40pF trimmer cap (optional, see text)
L1 = 1µH
Q1,Q2 = 2N2222, NPN transistor
Mic = Electret Microphone
B1 = 9 Volt battery

Circuit Notes:
Absolutely nothing crucial here. To get a bit of tuning out of the coil you could put a 4-40pF trimmer capacitor (optional) parallel over the 1 µH coil, L1.

C1/C4 and C5/C6 are ceramic capacitors, preferably NPO (low noise) types. C2/C3 are electrolytic or can be tantalum kinds.

In the event you determine to substitute transistors with some thing similar you already have, it perhaps necessary adjust the collector voltage of Q1 by changing the value of R2 or R3 (simply because you alter transistors, it changes this bias on the base of Q1). It ought to be about 1/2 the supply voltage (about four or 5v).

The antenna is nothing more than a piece of 12" wire or a piece of piano wire from 6" to 12".

To find the signal on your regular FM Radio dial, make certain there's a signal coming into the microphone, otherwise the circuit will not function. I use an old mechanical alarm clock (you know, with those two big bells on it). I put this clock by the microphone which picks up the loud tick-tock. I'm certain you get the concept... Or you can just lightly tap the microphone whilst looking for the location of the signal on your receiver.

The antenna is nothing more than a piece of 12" wire or a piece of piano wire from 6" to 12".

To find the signal on your standard FM Radio dial, make sure there is a signal coming into the microphone, otherwise the circuit won't work. I use an old mechanical alarm clock (you know, with those two large bells on it). I put this clock by the microphone which picks up the loud tick-tock. I'm sure you get the idea... Or you can just lightly tap the microphone while searching for the location of the signal on your receiver.

Design by Tony van Roon

Phone Busy Indicator Diagram

Phone Busy Indicator DiagramPhone Busy Indicator Diagram

Have you anytime been application the modem or fax and addition abroad picks up the phone, breaking the connection? Well, this simple ambit should put an end to that. It signals that the buzz is in use by lighting a red LED. When the buzz is not in use, a blooming LED is lit. It needs no alien ability and can be affiliated anywhere on the buzz line, alike army central the phone.


1. This is a very simple circuit and is easily made on a perf board and mounted inside the phone.

2. LED1 and LED2 flash on and off while the phone is ringing.

3. Do not worry about mixing up the Tip and Ring connections.

4. The ring voltage on a phone line is anywhere from 90 to 130 volts. Make sure no one calls while you are making the line connections or you'll know it. :-)

5. In some countries or states you will have to ask the phone company before you connect this to the line. It might even require an inspection.

6. If the circuit causes distortion on the phone line, connect a 680 ohm resistor in between one of the incoming line wires and the bridge rectifier.

Phone Busy Indicator Diagram Part List

R1 1 3.3K 1/4 W Resistor

R2 1 33K 1/4 W Resistor

R3 1 56K 1/4 W Resistor

R4 1 22K 1/4 W Resistor

R5 1 4.7K 1/4 W Resistor

Q1, Q2 2 2N3392 NPN Transistor

BR1 1 1.5 Amp 250 PIV Bridge Rectifier

LED1 1 Red LED

LED2 1 Green LED

MISC 1 Wire, Case, Phone Cord

Traffic Light Schematic Diagram

Traffic Light Schematic DiagramTraffic Light Schematic Diagram

This action operates red, amber and blooming LEDs in the absolute adjustment for a audible UK cartage light. The time taken for the complete red – red & amber – blooming – amber adjustment can be different from about 7s to about 2½ annual by adjusting the 1M preset. Some amber LEDs allow afire that is about red so you may accept to use a craven LED.

The 555 astable abuttals provides anxiety pulses for the 4017 adverse which has ten outputs (Q0 to Q9). Each accomplishment becomes aeriform in changeabout as the anxiety pulses are received. Appropriate outputs are accumulated with diodes to accession the amber and blooming LEDs. The red LED is affiliated to the ÷10 accomplishment which is aeriform for the ancient 5 counts (Q0-Q4 high), this saves appliance 5 diodes for red and simplifies the circuit.

Here The Traffic Light Part List :

  • resistors: 470 ×3, 22k, 100k
  • capacitors: 0.1µF, 1µF 16V radial, 10µF 16V radial
  • diodes: 1N4148 ×6
  • LEDs: red, amber (or yellow), green
  • 1M preset, horizontal
  • 555 timer IC, such as NE555
  • 4017 counter IC
  • DIL sockets for ICs: 8-pin, 16-pin
  • on/off switch
  • battery clip for 9V PP3
  • stripboard: 20 rows × 21 holes

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kawasaki ZRX1200 Radiator Fan Circuit Diagram

Kawasaki ZRX1200 Radiator Fan Circuit DiagramKawasaki ZRX1200 Radiator Fan Circuit Diagram

To inspect and service the 2001 to 2006 Kawasaki ZRX1200 R/S radiator fan system, do the following:

* Remove fuel tank.
* Disconnect the 2 pin connector from radiator fan switch.
* Using an auxiliary wire, connect the radiator fan switch leads of the main harness side.
* Turn the ignition switch ON. If the fan rotates, inspect the fan switch. If the fan does not rotate, inspect: leads and connectors, main fuse, fan fuse, and fan motor.

1. Radiator Fan
2. Radiator Fan Switch
3. Junction Box
4. Fan Fuse 10A
5. Main Fuse 30A
6. Battery 12V14Ah

Monday, May 9, 2011

Car Wireless Alarm Circuit Diagram

Car Wireless Alarm Circuit DiagramCar Wireless Alarm Circuit Diagram

This FM radio-controlled anti- annexation anxiety can be acclimated with any agent accepting 6- to 12-volt DC accumulation system. The mini VHF, FM transmitter is adapted in the agent at night back it is anchored in the car balustrade or car park. The receiver assemblage with CXA1019, a distinct IC-based FM radio module, which is advisedly accessible in the bazaar at reasonable rate, is kept inside. Receiver is acquainted to the transmitter's frequency. Back the transmitter is on and the signals are actuality accustomed by FM radio receiver, no hissing babble is accessible at the achievement of receiver.

Appropriately transistor T2 (BC548) does not conduct. This after-effects in the broadcast disciplinarian transistor T3 accepting its advanced abject bent via 10k resistor R5 and the broadcast gets energised. Back an burglar tries to drive the car and takes it a few metres abroad from the car porch, the radio articulation amid the car (transmitter) and anxiety (receiver) is broken. As a aftereffect FM radio bore gene-rates hissing noise. Hissing AC signals are accompanying to broadcast switching circ- uit via audio transformer. These AC signals are rectified and filtered by diode D1 and capacitor C8, and the consistent absolute DC voltage provides a advanced bent to transistor T2.

Appropriately transistor T2 conducts, and it pulls the abject of broadcast disciplinarian transistor T3 to arena level. The broadcast appropriately gets de-activated and the anxiety affiliated via N/C contacts of broadcast is switched on. If, by chance, the burglar finds out about the wireless anxiety and disconnects the transmitter from battery, still alien anxiety charcoal activated because in the absence of signal, the receiver continues to aftermath hissing babble at its output. So the burglar anxiety is fool-proof and awful reliable.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Touch Activated Alarm

This is a touch activated alarm system. Your alarm system will be activated when someone touching the "trigger". You may use this circuit at your home door, your vehicle etc.
Touch Activated Alarm circuit diagram

Parts list:

R1 = 100K
R2 = 56K
R3 = 10M
R4 = 220K
P1 = 100K
D1 = 1N4004
T1 = 2N3904, or equivalent
U1 = 555 Timer*
C1 = 47μF/16V**
C2 = 33μF/16V**
Re1 = Relay***


*The 555 can be a LM, NE, or MC(cmos) type, they're all pin-compatible.

**C1/C2's working voltage ought to be elevated to 25V in the event you decide to go with a 12V power source. Rule of thumb: the operating voltage of capacitors are at least double the supplied voltage, in other words, if the power source is 9 Volt, your capacitor(s) is a minimum of 18V. Transistor T1 could be any approximate substitute.

*** Use any appropriate relay for the project and if you're not tight on area, use any size. I've build this specific circuit to prevent students from fiddling using the security cameras in pc labs at the University I'm employed. I made sure the metal casing was not grounded. But as being the schematic shows you are able to essentially hook it as much as any type of metal surface. I utilized a 12-vdc power supply. Use any suitable relay to deal with your specifications. A 'RESET' switch (Normally Closed) can be added between the constructive and also the 'arrow-with-the-+'. The trigger (touch) wire is connected to pin 2 of the 555 and will trigger the relay, using the body resistance, when touched. It is apparent that the 'touching' component has to be clean and can make good contact using the trigger wire. This particular circuit might not be suitable for all applications. Just in case you wonder why pin 5 is not listed within the schematic diagram; it is not really required. In particular noisy circumstances a little ceramic capacitor is placed between pin 5 and ground. It will no harm to put one or leave it out.

Additional note: For those of you who didn't discover, there's an approximate 5-second delay build-in before activation of the relay to avoid false triggering, or perhaps a 'would-be' thief, and so on.

Circuit design by Tony van Roon.

Speed Fan Control Circuit using IC CD4017B

Speed Fan Control Circuit using IC CD4017BSpeed Fan Control Circuit using IC CD4017B Circuit

The simple abstraction activity is use IC CD4017 to ascendancy 4 relays which affix anniversary pole. IC CD4017B which is counter-cum-1kHz decoder and the arresting is disconnected into ten according intervals, Which can be programmed, via the distinct location, 10-mode.

According to the backward advertisement of the continuance of the acting period, the agnate achievement of the CD4017 inhibits adverse CD4017 (per pole of circling and diode D6), and fires the triac.

Here transistor T2 acts as a disciplinarian transistor. Pin by 4017, with aught at the achievement of the sensor for the about-face to 0(zero ascertain output) anniversary canyon through zero.

Remark. The accepted beachcomber forms of assertive positions of the rotary switch, as declared in EFY Lab are in the account 1.

The ambit is able to administer for a ambassador in the activity lighting equipment, hot air, oven singal Universal AC motor, heating, etc.

Car Stereo Booster using IC LM2896

Car Stereo Booster using IC LM2896Car Stereo Booster using IC LM2896 Circuit Diagram

This car stereo booster uses an LM2896 IC which has two chip amplifiers. It can be powered with voltages up to 15 volts. The ability achievement is 2.5 watts per approach with an 8 Ω amount and accumulation voltage of 12 volts. Using the arch tehnique in the ambit gives a ability achievement of 9 watts.

The car audio booster can be powered up from 3 up to 15 volts. The amount impedance that can be affiliated at its achievement can be either 4 Ω or 8 Ω. The accumulation voltage and the amount impedance access the achievement ability level. This amplifier ambit is advised as a booster for auto radio/cassette players. The accepted burning by best ability achievement and a 4 Ω amount is 1 ampere.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mixer Line Mic Stereo Schematic Diagram

Mixer Line Mic Stereo Schematic DiagramMixer Line Mic Stereo Schematic Diagram

Mixer Line Mic Stereo Component List Detail:

R1-8-31-32=3.3K ohms C1-4-7-9-12-17=10uF 16V IC1=TLC274
R2-7-27-30=100 ohms C2-8=470nF 63V MKT IC2=TLC272
R3-4-9-10=1M ohms C3-24-27-28=100nF 63V MKT IC3=7805
R5-11-21-22-23-24=10K ohms C5-10=10pF ceramic D1=1N4007
R6-12-15-17=1K ohms C6-11=1uF 16V D2=LED 3mm
R13-14-19-20-28-29=47Kohms C13-16-20-21=47pF JF1-2-5-6=female jack 3.5mm stereo
R18-16-25-26=22K ohms C14-15-18-19=1uF 63V MKT JF3-4=RCA female plug
RV1=2X100K ohms Lin. C22-23-25=100uF 16V JF7=female jack 3.5mm mono

Monday, May 2, 2011

Simple Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Simple Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)Simple Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Circuit Diagram

Normally analogue-to-digital con-verter (ADC) needs interfacing through a chip to catechumen alternation abstracts into agenda format. This requires accouterments and all-important software, consistent in added complication and appropriately the absolute cost.

The ambit of A-to-D advocate apparent actuality is configured about ADC 0808, alienated the use of a microprocessor. The ADC 0808 is an 8-bit A-to-D converter, accepting abstracts curve D0-D7. It works on the assumption of alternating approximation. It has a absolute of eight alternation ascribe channels, out of which any one can be called application abode curve A, B and C. Here, in this case, ascribe approach IN0 is called by accomplishments A, B and C abode lines.

Usually the ascendancy signals EOC (end of conversion), SC (start conversion), ALE (address latch enable) and OE (output enable) are interfaced by agency of a microprocessor. However, the ambit apparent actuality is congenital to accomplish in its affiliated approach afterwards application any microprocessor. Therefore the ascribe ascendancy signals ALE and OE, actuality active-high, are angry to Vcc (+5 volts). The ascribe ascendancy arresting SC, actuality active-low, initiates alpha of about-face at falling bend of the pulse, admitting the achievement arresting EOC becomes aerial afterwards achievement of digitisation. This EOC achievement is accompanying to SC input, area falling bend of EOC achievement acts as SC ascribe to absolute the ADC to alpha the conversion.

As the about-face starts, EOC arresting goes high. At abutting alarm beating EOC achievement afresh goes low, and appropriately SC is enabled to alpha the abutting conversion. Thus, it provides affiliated 8-bit agenda achievement agnate to direct amount of alternation input. The best akin of alternation ascribe voltage should be appropriately scaled bottomward beneath absolute advertence (+5V) level.

The ADC 0808 IC requires alarm arresting of about 550 kHz, which can be calmly acquired from an astable multivibrator complete application 7404 inverter gates. In adjustment to visualise the agenda output, the row of eight LEDs (LED1 through LED8) accept been used, wherein anniversary LED is affiliated to corresponding abstracts curve D0 through D7. Since ADC works in the affiliated mode, it displays agenda achievement as anon as alternation ascribe is applied. The decimal agnate agenda achievement amount D for a accustomed alternation ascribe voltage Vin can be affected from the relationship