
Sunday, July 31, 2011

300W Power Amplifier OCL Circuit

300W Power Amplifier OCL Circuit

This is a 300W power amplifier OCL circuit that the circuit has been stout kit on the market. If you're fanatical concerning the use of transistors 2N3055 and MJ2955 jengkol then this circuit is that the answer. This power amplifier OCL circuit delivering a blasting 300 watts to a four Ohm speaker.

The amplifier circuit is very least expensive and cans be powered from twenty four to 32 V/5A twin power supply. you must do that circuit. Its operating great. because four transistors (2 x 2n3055 and mj 2955) on the final amplifier can of some very hot then add the aluminum finned cooler and also the fan so the transistor is not too high temperatures.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

6 Volt Automatic Emergency Light Battery

6 Volt Automatic Emergency Light Battery6 Volt Automatic Emergency Light Battery

This circuit is IC controlled emergency light. This series of automatic switching-on of the sunshine on mains failure and battery charger with overcharge protection. When mains is absent, the relay RL2 is in deenergised state, feeding battery offer to the inverter section via its N / C contacts and switch S1.

The inverter section contains IC2 (NE555) that is used in a very stable fashion to supply sharp pulses at the rate of 50 Hz for driving the MOSFETs. The output of IC3 is fed to the gate of MOSFET (T4) directly whereas it's applied to MOSFET (T3) when inversion by gate transistor T2. so the facility amplifier designed around MOSFETs T3 and T4 functions in push-pull mode. The output across the secondary of transformer X2 can easily drive a 230-volt, 20-watt fluorescent tube. In case light is not needed to be on throughout mains failure, simply flip the switch S1 to off position. Battery overcharge preventer circuit is constructed around IC1 (LM308). Its non-inverting pin is held at a reference voltage of approximately 6.9 volts that is obtained using diode D5 (1N4148) and 6.2-volt zener D6.

The inverting pin of IC1 is connected to the positive terminal of battery. so when mains offer is gift, Comparator IC1 output is high, unless battery voltage exceeds 6.9 volts. therefore the transistor T1 is generally forward biased, that energises relay RL1. in this state the battery remains on charge via the N / O contacts of relays RL1 and current limiting resistor R2. When battery voltage exceeds 6.9 volts (overcharged condition), IC1 output goes low and gets deenergised relay RL1, and so stops more charging of battery. MOSFETs T3 and T4 may be mounted on suitable heat sinks.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

1000Watt Audio Power Amplifier Blazer Circuit

1000Watt Audio Power Amplifier Blazer Circuit1000Watt Audio Power Amplifier Blazer Circuit

This is a audio power amplifier Blazer circuit provides up to 1000Watt . This fascinating routes several sensible bass and treble alive. Importantly ought to opt for Power offer supply, that has been fairly high voltage category 70Vdc GND -70V 10A is that the current low level.

The transistors are 2SC3858 (NPN) and 2SA1494 (PNP), and have high bandwidth, wonderful safe operating space, high linearity and high gain. Driver transistors are 2SC5200 (NPN) and 2SA1943 (PNP). All devices are rated at 230V, with the facility transistors having a 150W dissipation and also the drivers are 50W.

This circuit describes an amplifier, power offer and tests procedures that are all inherently dangerous. Nothing described during this article ought to even be thought-about unless you're totally experienced, grasp specifically what you're doing, and are willing to require full 100% responsibility for what you are doing. There are aspects of the look which will need analysis, fault-finding and/or modification.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stereo FM Transmitter 88-108 MHz based BA1404

Stereo FM Transmitter 88-108 MHz based BA1404

This is the stereo FM transmitter schematic diagram which built based BA1404. By using this HI-FI stereo FM transmitter, you will be able to transmit MP3 music from your iPod, computer, discman, walkman, TV / SAT receiver, and many other audio sources.

The transmitter can work from a single 1.5V cell battery and provide excellent crystal clear stereo sound. It can also be supplied from two 1.5V battery cells to provide the maximum range.

The kits of Stereo FM Transmitter 88-108 MHz based BA1404 available at, check it out

Monday, July 25, 2011

12VDC Electronic Fuse Circuit

12VDC Electronic Fuse Circuit12VDC Electronic Fuse Circuit

In electronics and electrical engineering a fuse is a type of more protection devices. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts PLS current flows too, which breaks the circuit that is connected, thus protecting the other components of the circuit from damage caused by excess current.

circuit diagrams in the upstairs lounge is an electronic fuse that protects against short circuit load voltage of 12 VDC. You can adjust the flow using a 10K pot. If the fuse is used with very high currents, the lower the resistance value 0.1/5W, the value of watts of resistance must also increase

  • IC1 can use any of the op-amp IC (eg OA 741).
  • IC2 can use any SR latch flip-flop (eg 54HC279).
  • Use a 12V relay and currents that are customized to your needs.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

14W Class A Amplifier Circuit with 2N3055

14W Class A Amplifier Circuit with 2N305514W Class A Amplifier Circuit with 2N3055

This class A amplifier circuit requires a preamp as it hasn't got much gain. Requires large heat sinks and a large transformer and a source of great power and wiring carefully, but the end is very simple and sounds great. The zener diode disclaims any wave from the power supply, but still just want a wave of 10mV max. The ripples reaching the entrance is amplified, so the zener get rid of that, but there is still dominated him to reach the power stage.

Many early amplifiers operated in Class A, but as 10W power output rose above the problems of heat dissipation and design of the power supply caused most manufacturers to turn to the simplest, arrangements more efficient class B and put up with the consequent decrease in the perceived quality of output. Why Class? Because, when biased in class A, the transistors are always on, always ready to respond instantly to an input signal. Class B and Class AB output stage requires a microsecond or more on. The kind of a cleaner operation allows operation under high voltage swing that occurs when the transient audio signal feed difficult loads. Your amplifier is basically simple, as shown in the block diagram.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Offline Switching Power Supply Circuit (5V - 10A - 50W)

Here the schematic diagram of offline switching power supply:

Circuit Diagram:
Offline Switching Power Supply Circuit  (5V - 10A - 50W)

Parts List:
electronic circuit diagram

This switching power supply is using a MOSFET. For 220V AC voltage input, use BUZ80A/IXTP4N8 MOSFET and for 110V AC input voltage, use GE IRF823 MOSFET. The output will be 5 Volt DC with electric current can be reach 10A.

741Op-Amp based on DC Motor Controller Circuit

741Op-Amp based on DC Motor Controller Circuit

This DC motor control circuit with an operational amplifier 741 operating as a voltage follower which is connected to the inverting input not the speed and direction of rotation of a potentiometer VR1. When VR1 is in position, the op amp output is close to zero and both Q1 and Q2 is OFF.

When VR1 is turned toward the positive supply, the output is a positive signal and supply the current Q1 and Q2 will be the engine OFF. When VR1 is turned to the negative supply, the circuit operational amplifier output to the negative voltage and turns off Q1 and Q2 which reverses the direction of rotation of the motor.

741 Op-Amp Pinout

As the potentiometer VR1 is moving toward the ends, the speed increases in the direction you are becoming. The Q1 TIP3055 NPN power transistor has a collector current ratings of 15A and 60V DC VCE0. The MJE34 PNP power transistor Q2 has a sheet collector current of 10 A and 40 V DC VCE0.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Echo Chamber Schematic

The following diagram is the schematic diagram of echo chamber circuit which will convert the sound of input to have echo sound like repeating sound if you talking in a cave. It will smoothing your sound also.
Echo Chamber Schematic
The circuit based 4 main ICs that are a MN3005, a MN3101, and 4 pieces of AN6551. I've made this kind of circuit, it's working great and you don't have to spend a lot of cost. :)

Mini FM Radio Transmitter Circuit

Mini FM Radio Transmitter Circuit
This is an mini fm Radio transmitter circuit. The supply voltage is between one.1 � three Volts with power consumption is one.8 mA at one.5 Volts. This circuit ought to be able to cover 30 meters of range max. at one.5 Volts.

* Use a battery for powering the circuit.It will reduce noise.
* An FM antenna from a old radio is a better option than the wire antenna.

Mini FM Radio Transmitter Circuit
This device is NPN General Purpose Amplifier for use as a medium power amplifier and switch requiring collector currents up to 500mA.

Mini FM Radio Transmitter CircuitAbsolute Maximum Ratings.
  • Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO ) : 40 V.
  • Collector-Base Voltage (VCBO) : 75 V.
  • Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO) : 6.0 V.
  • Collector Current (IC) 1.0 : A.
  • Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range (TSTG) :- 55 ~ 150 °C.
  • Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage : 40 V.
  • Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage : 75 V.
  • Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage : 6.0 V.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Insect Repeller Circuit Diagram

Insect Repeller Circuit DiagramIn this section we talk about a type of insect repellent insect repellent is a circuit that repel insects from your home or garden effectively. This circuit uses the frequency of bullying of insects to the insect goes.

For this insect repellent skesta be installed inside or outside the home can / the speakers. This series of in-circuit PLL oscillator circuit adl / phase looked loop by using a CMOS 4047 at a rate 22 khz.gunakan external power supply for best results.

IC 4047 Description

The CD4047B is capable of operating in either a monostable or astable. It requires an external capacitor (between pins 1 and 3) and an external resistor (between pins 2 and 3) to determine the output pulse width in the monostable mode and the output frequency in astable mode
Insect Repeller Circuit DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings IC IC 4047

DC Supply Voltage (VDD)...........-0.5V to +18VDC
Input Voltage (VIN)...............-0.5V to VDD +0.5VDC
Storage Temperature Range (TS)....-65°C to +150°C
Power Dissipation (PD)
Dual-In-Line...................... 700 mW
Small Outline..................... 500 mW
Lead Temperature (TL)
(Soldering, 10 seconds)........... 260°C.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Variable Voltage Regulator Using IC L146

variable Voltage Regulator Using IC L146variable Voltage Regulator Using IC L146

Reguator This circuit is designed for general use. Advantages of the circuit are the first voltage can be adjusted from 0 V to greater and second duplex does not require a transformer secondary winding. For high voltage outputs L146 can be used or, alternatively, if you need a lower output voltage can be used IC 723.

Voltage regulation for integrated circuits is at least 2V. R3, R4, R5 and R6 resistors around this limitation and to maintain the output voltage level 0 with the help of the potentiometer P2. If the input voltage is less than required, this provides sufficient potential resistance between pins 4 and 5 numbered.

2N3055 based on 12 Volt Adaptor

2N3055 based on 12 Volt Adaptor

This adapter circuit can deliver up to 3A output voltage of 12V. The circuit can be used in cases when a current of more than 3A is required for the controller. IC regulators such high current rating are quite hard to find.

The T1 transformer steps down the voltage of the rectifier bridge 12rms and D1 to produce a rectified voltage. The C1 filters the output of the rectifier produces a DC level. The passage of the series transistor Q1 (2N 3055) is biased by resistor R1 (680Ω). Since D1 is Zener breakdown region of the voltage across it is 12V. So the total output voltage of 12.7 V is constant (in theory). Zener voltage which is the most base emitter voltage of transistor Q1 Q1.Here take out the excess power needed.


  • If 12V zener is not available ,use the nearest value.
  • The transformer T1 can be as 23oV primary;15V/5A secondary step down transformer.
  • The capacitors must be rated at least 25V.
  • By changing the value of the Zener diode, different output voltages can be obtained from the circuit.

Friday, July 15, 2011

TDA1011 - 4W Audio Amplifier Circuit

TDA1011 - 4W Audio Amplifier CircuitTDA1011 - 4W Audio Amplifier Circuit

This is 4 watts amplifier circuit diagram for implementing portable radio with TDA1011 from Philips Semiconductor.

The TDA1011 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in one place-9 in line (SIL) plastic container. The device is specially designed for portable radio and recording applications and offers up to 4 W at a load impedance of 4 W. The device can deliver up to 6 W 4 W to 16 V power load on the network powered applications. The maximum permissible voltage of 24 V makes this circuit very suitable for DC and AC unit, while the application supply voltage of 3.6 V low V enables applications 6.

Audio Mixer 6 Channel circuit

Audio Mixer 6 Channel circuitAudio Mixer 6 Channel circuit

The following is a main circuit of the mixer-6 Ch The circuit consists of six input channels. The mono channels are channels 1-4 and 5-6 CH CH, are intended for use by music. The number of input channels you want as she can greatly increase you want.

The output of each channel drives the RV1-6, the level of sound control potesometer. With RV7-12 create the conditions of equilibrium between the two channels (BALANCE). All signal input channels are added at this point two vipers [IC1A-b] for each channel has two trimmer Here TR1-2 to adjust the gain of each IC, adapting the level of the output signal in the level we want. That can be suppressed if you need something and Standard and Poor. The next stage is a three-band equalizer of regulation.

The IC3α-b, are off the table, they want an acre to make a profit and they want to do the essential isolation of the previous stages, with the unit that drives us. For whoever they want to use headphones, there is a classic circuit unit of the headphones around the IC2a-b, which give the output in the JF13. There are also tracks can also optical audio levels, with a stereo level meter.

List component
  • R1-12=4.7Kohms
  • R13-24=10Kohms
  • R25-26=22Kohms .
  • R27-30-34-39=100ohms
  • R28-29-36-37=100Kohms
  • R31-42=10Kohms
  • R32-41=4.7Kohms
  • R33-40=10Kohms
  • R35-38=47ohms
  • RV1....4=47Kohms Log.
  • RV5-6-13=2X47Kohms Log.
  • RV7....12=10Kohms Lin. pot. Log
  • C1....8=10uF 25V
  • C9-11=47pF ceramic or mylar
  • C10-12=47uF 25V
  • C13-14=100uF 25V
  • C15-16=2.2uF 16V
  • C18-21=100pF ceramic or mylar
  • C19-20=220uF 25V
  • TR1-2=4.7Kohms trimmer
  • Q1-3=BD139
  • Q2-4=BD140
  • IC2=NE5532 - TL072
All the Resistors is 1/4W 1% metal film C18-21=100pF ceramic or mylar

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Clock Generator Circuit

Clock Generator Circuit diagram

This is the circuit diagram of Clock Generator circuit based NAND logic gate. You can use 4011 for CMOS IC and 7400 for TTL IC.

Circuit Notes:
  • Excellent clock generator to drive 4017 type CMOS circuits.
  • Fo is ±1Kz when R1=100K and C1=10nF.
  • R1 = 10K to 10M, C1 = 100pF to 47uF.
  • Input voltage can be from 5 to 15V.

Sample IC CMOS NAND gate 4011 pinout:
4011 pinout

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

USB Audio Interface based DAC PCM2902

USB Audio Interface based DAC PCM2902

This is the circuit quality preamplifier with built-in USB DAC for my Leachamp power amplifier. Scheme is PCM2902 datasheet. Circuit includes DAC and ADC, SPDIF input and output of HID and with 3 buttons + MUTE, VOL-and VOL.

For playback of high quality needed for external low-drop voltage stabilizer for the DAC. LP2951CM DAC is used, which was readily available in local stores. Output voltage is fixed at about 3.7 V with two resistors. Circuit board is designed with regard to the placement of good land, and the separation of digital and analog ground. These earth are connected in a single point in a USB connector.

USB Audio Interface based DAC PCM2902

The PCM2902 data sheet is recommended to connect a low pass filter the DAC output to filter high frequencies above audioband produced by the conversion of oversampling. Digital integrated circuits that includes LPF filter frequency above 100 kHz. In the Notes application filter on the pages of the manufacturer recommends first-order LPF (simple RC) or 2 nd order with amplifiers operating as a preamp that works well. I simple RC LPF with the recommended values ​​R and C 1k 4N7. It is best to use the scroll-type ceramic capacitor in place. I did not hear the difference in sound between the connection filter or not, but with respect to other components in an audio chain is best used. For maximum cutoff frequency that can change the capacitor value of 3n3

LDR based Automatic Street Light Controller

LDR based Automatic Street Light ControllerLDR based Automatic Street Light Controller

This circuit is a lamp that turns on automatically when darkness falls and turns off when the sun rises. In fact, you can apply this circuit for any type of automatic night light. This circuit can be used to control lights or other electric high power with hundreds of watts

The circuit used an LDR to detect light. When the light is the resistance of LDR is low. So the voltage drop across R2 POT will be high. This keeps the transistor Q1 ON. The collector of Q1 (BC107) is coupled to the base of Q2 (SL100). So Q2 will turn off and so do over. The lamp will remain off.

When night falls, the resistance of LDR increases to cause the voltage across R2 POT fall below 0.6 V. This causes the transistor Q1 OFF turs that in turn activates the relay Q2.The and the bulb will light

* POT R2 can be used to adjust the sensitivity of the circuit.
* You can use bulb of any wattage ,provided that relay should have the sufficient rating.
* The circuit can be powered from a regulated 9V DC power supply.
* Click Here! to get the power supply circuit for this project.
* The relay K1 can be a 9V SPDT relay.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

DC Motor Speed Control using PWM

The so-called PWM or Witdh modulation is a technique often used to control a load, for example, is the control of DC motor speed PWM techniques are used frequently.

Usually to make a simple PWM (for practice or the introduction PWM) fans to use some of the facts of the op-amp circuit, which consists of Schmitt Trigger circuit, the integrator and comparator.

DC Motor Speed Control using PWM

Schmitt Trigger function that produces a square wave will become the sawtooth wave or integrator is also called common rail and the ramp compared to a reference voltage that can change a lot of stress. So the result is a PWM output.

DC Motor Speed Control using PWM

These two schemes are variations of different circuit PWM. The diagrams are for 12V operation and there are upper (ground) and low side (+12 V common) versions. The version of the lower circuit uses an N-channel FET, the high-side version of the circuit uses a P-channel FET. N channel devices tend to handle more current P-channel devices, which are also less expensive. The version of the high side of the circuit is useful when a portion of the load must be grounded.

This circuit can change a fairly high amount of current, a MOSFET IRFZ34N can handle over 35 Amps if connected to an adequate heat sink. Higher power FETs, such as IRF1010Z IRFZ48N or can be substituted if even larger currents are required. It is also possible to connect multiple FETs in parallel even more current capacity. Always use thermally conductive grease between the FET and the heat sink, and remember that the heatsink is under stress.

Inductive loads (motors) may require special care because it can generate large voltage spikes that can damage the MOSFET. Replacing a 1N4002 fast recovery diode can help absorb the recoil reverse voltage when driving an inductive load like a motor. If you use these circuits to experiment with electric vehicles, be sure to install a circuit breaker in series with the battery, the switch should be easy to reach by the driver. This is especially important given the fact that when non-MOSFETs, is often cut, leaving the engine running at full speed

220V AC Operated Christmas Light Star Circuit

220V AC Operated Christmas Light Star CircuitHere is a simple circuit of the star of Christmas light that can be easily built, even for a beginner. The main advantage of this circuit is that it requires no transformer or IC.

Components such as resistors R1 and R2, capacitors C1, C2 and C3, diodes D1 and D2, and zener zD1 are used to develop a fairly constant voltage of 5V DC power that provides the current necessary to activate the triac multivibrator circuit and activate BT136 through LED1. The multivibrator circuit is constructed with two transistors BC548 (T1 and T2) and some passive components.

The frequency of the multivibrator circuit is controlled by the capacitors C4 and C5 and resistors R3 through R7. The output of the multivibrator circuit is connected to the transistor T3, which in turn drives the triac through LED1. During the positive half cycles of the multivibrator output, the transistor T3 is driven triac BT136 and lit the lamp. This circuit is an estimated cost of R 75

This circuit directly connected to the netting of electricity, voltage 220V electricity it could sting you. Avoid working in damp and directly with ground.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Basic Motorcycle Alarm circuit

This is a very basic motorcycle alarm design circuit which can be used to secure your motorcycle with very low in cost.

Design schematic:
Basic Motorcycle Alarm circuit diagram

Circuit Number Five uses a SPCO/SPDT relay - but you actually only require to make use of a SPST relay. In case you are going to make use of the veroboard layout supplied - you will require to make use of the style of relay specified. But you are able to develop the alarm making use of whatever style of relay you've accessible.

Circuit Notes:
Any number of normally-open switches might be employed. Fit the mercury switches to ensure that they close when the steering is moved or when the bike is lifted off its side-stand or pushed forward off its centre-stand. Use micro-switches to secure removable panels and also the lids of panniers and so on. When 1 of the trigger-switches is closed - the relay will energize as well as the siren will sound.

You are able to select what will happen up coming. Should you develop the circuit as shown, the siren will continue to sound until you turn it off - or until the battery is exhausted. But, in the event you leave out D3 - the siren will stop sounding right away the trigger-switch is re-opened.

Whilst you are inside earshot of your machine - the former configuration is greatest. You are able to usually turn off the alarm your self. But in case you are going to be away from your bike for any length of time - and you do not wish to trigger a nuisance - then the latter configuration is possibly much more suitable. In the event you consist of a SPST switch in series with D3 - you'll be able to pick the behaviour that finest suits the circumstances at any given time.

Components placement:
Basic Motorcycle Alarm pcb design

Relay coils and some sounders generate high reverse-voltage spikes which will destroy sensitive electronic components. D1 and D2 are there to short-circuit these spikes just before they are able to do any harm. Even though there's absolutely nothing within the alarm circuit itself that might be damaged - I've no concept what other electronic equipment may be connected to the exact same power supply. So I included the two diodes as a precaution. If you are satisfied that there is absolutely nothing on your bike that may be damaged in this way - you'll be able to leave out the two diodes.

Basic Motorcycle Alarm circuit source:

Friday, July 8, 2011

10W Audio Amplifier Circuit using TDA 1010

10W Audio Amplifier Circuit using TDA 1010

The audio amplifier circuit is a class B amplifier audio power with a TDA1010. It is easy to build and has only a few external components. The circuit is designed with a short circuit and thermal protection. You can drive loads as low as 1.6 ohms and is capable of 10 watts deliveringover from an external 16 V DC.

The TDA1010 is a monolithic integrated circuit class B audio amplifier in one place-9 in line (SIL) plastic container. The range of voltage across and the flexibility of the IC to be an attractive proposition for turntables and tape recorders with outputs of up to 10 W

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Triangle Square Wave Generator Using Op-Amp

Triangle Square Wave Generator Using Op-AmpTriangle Square Wave Generator Using Op-Amp

The circuit shows a simple triangle and square wave generator with a common dual operational amplifier LM1558 to produce very low frequencies around 10 kHz. The time interval for one half cycle is about R * C and outs of supply of 10 mA. The amplitude of the triangle can be altered by adjusting the 47K and waveform offset can be eliminated by adding a capacitor in series with the output.

Simple Servo Motor Controller circuit

The following is the schematic diagram of simple servo motor controller circuit.

Simple Servo Motor Controller circuit diagram

Simple Servo Motor Controller Parts List:

R1 = 820 Ohm 1/4W
R2 = 68K 1/4W
R3 = 10K 1/4W
R4 = 1K 1/4W
R5 = 1K Linear Taper Pot
C1 = 1uF/16V
Q1 = 2N3904 / 2N2222
U1 = 555 Timer IC
MISC = Board, Wire, Knob For R1, 8 Pin Socket For U1

The servo motor have many utilizes in everything from robotics to puppetry to photography and beyond. These tiny motors can position their output shaft to any position on command and hold that position. Most servos possess a range of motion to about 210 degrees and thankfully are quite easy to handle with a basic circuit like the one presented right here. Working with just a 555 timer as well as a couple of support parts, this circuit can handle a servo via it is full rotation primarily based on the position of a potentiometer.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Audio Tone Control with 2 Transistor

Audio Tone Control with 2 TransistorAudio Tone Control with 2 Transistor Circuit

Audio tone control circuit transistors based on this provides a maximum cutting and increase of about 10 dB at 50 Hz and 10K.

The first BC109C transistor acts as a buffer. It provides the circuit with an input impedance of around 250 000 has a voltage gain of slightly less than unity. As Baxendall tone control circuit is a passive design, all audio frequencies are attenuated.

The position of the controls and the ballast capacitor alters the audio response. The last transistor provides a slight increase of about 3 times. The output is designed to feed an amplifier with an input impedance of 10k to 250k. Both tone controls should be linear potentiometers type.

quick Data Transistor BC109C

Low current max. 100 mA
Low voltage max. 45 V
Collector-base voltage open emitter 30 V
Collector-emitter voltage open base - 20 V
Peak collector current - 200 mA
total power dissipation Tamb £ 25 °C - 300 mW
DC current gain (hFE ) IC = 2 mA; VCE = 5 V 200 - 800
transition frequency IC = 10 mA; VCE = 5 V; f = 100 MHz 100 - MHz

Traffic Light 20 Chanel based on 74LSxx

Traffic Light 20 Chanel based on 74LSxxTraffic Light 20 Chanel based on 74LSxx

This view of the proposed traffic Light 20 Chane based only on family and 74LSxx IC 555 as clock source. It is a digital logic circuit. To construct the traffic light rangkaian Control requires no programming of microcontrollers.

This page features a circuit that has twenty open collector outputs that turn on one at a time in a continuous sequence. The circuit make use of the family 74LSxx TTL integrated logic devices. The circuits are designed to drive light emitting diodes or low current and low voltage incandescent lamps, but can also lead to other charges of 80 milliamps.


  • The low output go in sequence from 1 - 0 and back to 1 -0

  • At the clock rate of the 555 timer
  • c3 = 1uf to 10uf depending on the rate of change desured
  • R2 (Variable resistor) in use to determine the timer

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Digital Clock Circuit with T89C51 microcontroller

Digital Clock Circuit with T89C51 microcontrollerA digital clock is one that displays time in digital format. The circuit described here shows the time with double-digit "minutes" and two digits 'seconds' in four seven segment displays. The segment of seven switches are interconnected with 8051 microcontroller AT89C51. This circuit can be used in vehicles, homes, offices and many others. At the time of the source Vcc is supplied to this circuit, the clock starts from 00:00. The time is displayed in four segments of 7 (in the common anode configuration) using the notion of multiplexing.

That is achieved by using the timer interrupt (Timer0) of AT89C51 is set to update the 7-segment. The segments are updated several times in the second to be displayed simultaneously. The clock is ticking, which is delayed by one second with single precision. Timer1 is used to produce a one second delay. The pins of information (h) of the many segments are interconnected and get P2 port signal to the microcontroller. The control or enable pin (anode popular) are connected to pins 1-4 of port P1 (P1 ^ 0 - P1 ^ 3).

The number in the fourth section (which shows the unity of the digits 2 º) increases as early as the second, and from 0 to nine. The range in the third section increases immediately after every 10 seconds from 0 to 5. Therefore, the seconds are different sample of 00 to 59. The digit of the variations of the second section after every 60 seconds (one minute) from 0 to nine, etc. So the clock is ticking for an hour and after it resets again

Rain Detector using SCR 106CY

Rain Detector using SCR 106CYRain Detector using SCR 106CY

This circuit uses a sensor made of a small piece of circuit board and recorded a simple SCR circuit to detect rain and sound of a bell. The SCR could also be used to activate a relay, light a lamp, or send a signal to a security system.

1. The sensor is a small piece of PC board etched to the pattern showen in the schematic. The traces should be very close to each other, but never touching. A large spiral pattern would also work.
2. Make sure to use a loud buzzer.

Passive Surround Audio Circuit

This is a passive surround audio circuit for better audio environment for your home audio system. The schematic diagram is very simple, it just need the combination of resistors and electrolytic capacitors.

Passive Surround circuit diagram

Passive Surround Audio Circuit Notes:

  • The rear speakers must be full range type of speaker. Do not use woofer or tweeter speakers for rear speakers, you'll bad audio environment.
  • 5W resistors is a must, the 1/4 or 1/2 watt resistor will burned.

Source: Passive audio surround

Friday, July 1, 2011

Voice Recorder using ISD1000A IC

Voice Recorder using ISD1000A ICVoice Recorder using ISD1000A IC Circuit

The ISD1000A is usually a Primary Analog Hard drive device that allows you to store 20 seconds value of voice data on an IC chip which can be engage in backed at any time. The information recorded will stay in memory even if the power is removed. To apply the Voice Recorder using ISD1000A IC circuit easy apply power to the circuit, push the record switch and hold. Talk clearly in to the microphone. You will have up to 20 seconds of voice message that you could save. If you talk beyond that period the chip may simply save the first 20 seconds. After recording, release the record switch.

To playback the message, press the playback message and the message you recorded will play back. The microphone is definitely electret mic and the speaker is a 8 ohm speaker. If you are using a 16 ohm speaker then the 10 ohm resistor marked optional, can be eliminated. This circuit could possibly be the base of many other large projects. Such as it could be part of an alarm circuit which will plays back a voice alert when the alarm circuit is activated.

LM3914 IC based on Simple Battery Tester

LM3914 IC based on Simple Battery TesterThis circuit employs the popular and easy to find LM3914 IC. This kind of IC is quite very simple to drive, requires no voltage regulators (it features a built in voltage regulator) and can be powered from almost every resource.

This LM3914 IC based on Simple Battery Tester is very simple to explain:
Once the test switch is pushed, the Car battery voltage is supply into a high impedance voltage divider. His function is to divide 12V to 1, 25V (or lower values to reduced values). This solution is much better than enabling the internal voltage regulator set the 12V sample voltage to be feed into the internal voltage divider simply because it cannot regulate 12V if the voltage falls lower (linear regulators only step down). Simply wiring with no change, the regulator provides secure 1, 25V which can be fed into the precision internal resistor cascade to create sample voltages to the internal comparators.

In any case the default establishing let you to determine voltages between 8 and 12V however you can measure even from 0V to 12V setting the offset trimmer to 0 (but i believe that below 9 volt your vehicle would not start). There is a smoothing capacitor (4700uF 16V) it is used to adsorb EMF noises produced from the ignition coil if you're testing the battery during the engine working. Diesel engines would not need it, but i am not sure. If you want more a level graph rather than a bar graph simply disconnect pin 9 on the IC (MODE) from power. The calculations are usually simple (default).