
Saturday, December 18, 2010

KA2211, 5.8W Stereo Audio Amplifier

The following schematic is the diagram of 5.8 stereo power amplifier based on Samsung IC KA2211. The 5.8W is the power output on each channel, it means that the output will be 2 x 5.8W (maximum).

KA2211, 5.8W Stereo Audio Amplifier

About KA2211:
KA2211 is a dual audio power amplifier for consumer application. It is designed for high power, low dissipation dan low noise. Is also contains various of protectors and suitable for high performance car audio power amplifier.

Download the datasheet document of KA2211 HERE

Sunday, December 12, 2010

TDA1521 / TDA1521Q: 12W Stereo Amplifier

This is a stereo audio amplifier circuit that provides 12W output power on each audio channel. This simple circuit is built on a single integrated circuit of TDA1521 / TDA1521Q, and only supported by few external components.

TDA1521 / TDA1521Q: 12W Stereo Amplifier

TDA1521/TDA1521Q is a dual high-fidelity audio amplifier encapsulated in a plastic 9-leads. The device is specially designed for power supply applications (eg, stereo TV and radio). A heatsink is needed to prevent overheating the IC.

TDA1521/TDA1521Q features:
  • Requires very few external components
  • Low offset voltage between output and ground
  • Input muted during power-on and off
  • (no switch-on or switch-off clicks)
  • Hi-fi according to IEC 268 and DIN 45500
  • Excellent gain balance between channels
  • Short-circuit-proof
  • Thermally protected
This hi-fi stereo power amplifier is designed for mains fed applications. The circuit is designed for both symmetrical and asymmetrical power supply systems. An output power of 2 x 12 watts (THD = 0,5%) can be delivered into an 8 W load with a symmetrical power supply of ± 16 V.

Download the TDA1521/TDA1521Q Datasheet Here

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Basic Monostable Multivibrator based IC 555

The following diagram is the circuit diagram of the very basic monostable multivibrator which built based on timer IC 555.

Basic Monostable Multivibrator based IC  555 circuit

Parts list:
R1 = see notes
C1 = see notes
C2 = 10nF
IC1 = LM555

  • R1 and C1 determine length of output pulse where t=R1xC1 and R1 is in ohms and C1 is in farads.
  • Pin 4 is the RESET. Leave it connected to power supply (+V) during normal operation. Bring pin 4 AND pin 2 low at the same time to reset timing cycle.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Analog Versatile Circuit MIC 640 Acquisition System

This tour, available in Stainless DIL 8 legs, can measure 4 analog voltage independent between 0 and 5 volts, and send the result of this measure in the form of four characters on a standard asynchronous serial link. Its serial output is directly TTL or CMOS compatible and can be connected to a serial input RS 232 by simply adding a resistor.

The MIC 640 can operate in automatic mode, thus sending the result of four steps every second, or in command mode, in which case it sends the result of four measures under the control of external logic signal. In this latter method that we use here.

Its consumption is extremely low, it is possible to feed signals from the unused serial port RS 232, subject of course not to waste the little energy available in external circuits involved too greedy.

This circuit, easily available in France, costs less than 18 euro which makes it an ideal candidate for this achievement we will find the schema without tarder.Si you want more information about the MIC 640;'s complete data sheet entirely in French, is available for download by clicking this link.

Schematic acquisition module

Analog Versatile Circuit  MIC 640 Acquisition SystemAnalog Versatile Circuit MIC 640 Acquisition System

The heart of the module is obviously the MIC 640, spotted IC1 on the figure below. It is directly connected to the serial input RS 232 PC via limiting resistor R1 current.

His entry called CTRL to define its mode of operation. Left to the body, it makes it automatically perform a conversion on each input per second, whereas if it is reduced to levels as high as in this case, it triggers a conversion of each entry at each grounding.

These earthed take place through the transistor Q1 controlled by the serial data output TXD of RS 232, via the diode D4. This same output is through the diode D3 and this time the capacitor C3, to produce the negative supply voltage of the input stage that we discover in a moment.

The control lines DTR and RTS serial interface they provide for the positive supply via diodes D1 and D2. This voltage is unregulated, is the positive power of the input stage. By cons, it is regulated to 5 volts through IC2 so that it feeds a voltage very stable MIC 640.

As the current and available for both the positive supply for the negative supply is still low (10 mA max), I had to carefully choose the components used and they will not be replaced under any pretext. IC2 is indeed a regulator 5 volts 3 feet very low: in one case in 2936 SM Z5 which absorbs only 500 uA. For information, its "equivalent" the 78L05 consumes 3 mA in the same situation!

The input stage meanwhile was achieved using four operational amplifiers effect transistor field-mounted voltage followers. This confers to the module input impedance greater than 100 MW. All four amplifiers are combined in one box, referenced LF 444 at National Semiconductor, whose total consumption does not exceed 800 uA for the four amplifiers! Again, no question of putting such a TL 084 which face voracious with its 5.6 mA!

This input stage is protected from excessive voltages through resistors R7 to R10 and diodes D6 to D13. If you precede the various stages of converting physical quantities / voltage, you can possibly do without protection diodes that degrade somewhat the very high input impedance of 444 MQ due to their leakage current. It is in fact only 50 pA maximum input of 444 LF while a diode, even small leaks, easily misses 1 nA or 20 times more!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Portable Amplifier based on TEA2025

This is the diagram of simple portable amplifier circuit. This amplifier circuit build based on IC TEA2025 that is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier of 16-pin plastic dual in line package built by UTC manufacture. The circuit has an internal thermal protection. The circuit designed for portable cassette players and radios. You can also use as PC audio amplifier.

Here the amplifier diagram for stereo audio input/output:

Portable Amplifier based on TEA2025

and here the amplifier with mono audio input/output (bridge):

Portable Amplifier based TEA2025

Stereo per channel
VCC=9V; RL=4 ohm/3W
VCC=9V; RL=8 ohm/2W

Bridge Application
VCC=9V; RL=8 ohm/5W
VCC=9V; RL=4 ohm/8W

Supply Voltage min = DC3v @ 500mA
Supply Voltage max = DC12v @ 500mA
Supply Voltage recommended = DC9v @500mA

Download TEA2025 Datasheet
Download the schematic diagram in PDF format HERE

Monday, November 8, 2010

Guitar Amplifier Circuit Diagram 100W

Guitar Amplifier Circuit Diagram 100WGuitar Amplifier Circuit Diagram 100W

The ability amp lath has remained banausic back it was aboriginal appear in 2002. It absolutely isn’t broken, so there’s no acumen to fix it. The photo beneath shows a absolutely accumulated lath (available as apparent as M27). Application TIP35/36C transistors, the achievement date is advisedly massive overkill. This ensures believability beneath the best backbreaking date conditions. No amplifier can be fabricated allowed from everything, but this does appear close.

The ability amp (like the antecedent version) is about based on the 60 Watt amp ahead appear (Project 03), but it has added accretion to bout the preamp. Other modifications accommodate the abbreviate ambit aegis – the two little groups of apparatus abutting to the bent diodes (D2 and D3). This new adaptation is not massively altered from the original, but has adjustable bias, and is advised to accommodate a “constant current” (i.e. aerial impedance) achievement to the speakers – this is accomplished application R23 and R26. Note that with this arrangement, the accretion will change depending on the amount impedance, with lower impedances giving lower ability amp gain. This is not a problem, so may cautiously be ignored.

Should the achievement be shorted, the connected accepted achievement appropriate will accommodate an antecedent akin of protection, but is not absolutely foolproof. The abbreviate ambit aegis will absolute the achievement accepted to a almost safe level, but a abiding abbreviate will account the achievement transistors to abort if the amp is apprenticed hard. The aegis is advised not to accomplish beneath accustomed conditions, but will absolute the aiguille achievement accepted to about 8.5 Amps. Beneath these conditions, the centralized fuses (or the achievement transistors) will apparently draft if the abbreviate is not detected in time.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

High Frequency Waveform Generator Circuit Diagram

High Frequency Waveform Generator Circuit DiagramHigh Frequency Waveform Generator Circuit Diagram

High frequency waveform generator is very useful in electronic experiment and design. This circuit generate sine wave oscillation, but actually we can modify the circuit to generate triangle or square wave function.

The core of this waveform generator is MAX038. This integrated circuit chip gives complete function to build a waveform generator/function generator.

  • The circuit can be used to generate square wave, triangle, or sine wave by programming the pin inputs (A0:pin 3, A1:pin 4).
    • A0 A1 WAVEFORM
    • X 1 Sine wave
    • 0 0 Square wave
    • 1 0 Triangle wave
  • The frequency can be controlled using current. If we disconnect the 20k RIN from REF (pin 1) and connect it to a DAC, then we can control the frequency using microcontroller or digital interface. We can even control the chip using a quartz crystal (PLL) by controlling the current using a phase comparator output that compares the sync output (pin 14 of MAX038) and a reference clock from quartz crystal oscillator.

This waveform generator integrated circuit chip is very interesting since it can generate 0.1Hz to 20MHz, very wide operating frequency, as expected for every waveform generator instruments.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gambar Skema Rangkaian Subwoofer Filter Mobil

Gambar Skema Rangkaian Subwoofer Filter MobilGambar Skema Rangkaian Subwoofer Filter Mobil

The circuit is designed around the TL072 dual BIFET opamp IC. Out of the two opamps inside the chip, IC1A is wired as a buffer. The left & right audio inputs after mixing is fed to the input of the IC1A using the DPDT switch S1. Switch S1 is the phase control switch which can be used to make the subwoofer in phase with other speakers. When S1 is in position 2, 180 degree phase shift will be induced.POT R7 can be used for controlling the level. IC1B forms the low pass filter whose pass frequency can be controlled by adjusting the dual gang POT R13.

Here is the circuit diagram of a simple subwoofer filter that can be operated from a 12V DC supply. Such a circuit is useful in automobile subwoofer applications. The circuit is nothing but a low pass filter whose pass frequency can be adjusted between 60 to 160 Hz.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Active AM Radio Antenna Amplifier / Preamplifier Circuit

Active AM Radio Antenna Amplifier / Preamplifier CircuitActive AM Radio Antenna Amplifier / Preamplifier Circuit

The antenna amplifier circuit has a part count of about 40, using the following active parts: 2 NPN transistors (BC548's), 1 MOSFET (BF981), 2 Varicap diodes (KV1235), as well as a 6v2 zener-diode. there is and a 330uH (micro Henry) inductor / coil, which can be modified for operation on other frequency bands.

Designed to work with a telescopic whip antenna, the amplifier circuit operates in the typical AM / MediumWave band of 550 - 1650 kHz (kilohertz), with a power requirement of 12 Volts DC. The circuit also has a gain control feature, so weather signals can be amplifier more, if need be. This amplification alteration is provided via, RV1

The amplifier circuit's output impedance is 50 Ohms, which is the standard for all of radio receivers, so it ought to work well along with your AM receiver.


This circuit is designed to amplify the input from a telescopic whip antenna. The preamplifier is designed to cover the medium waveband from about 550Khz to 1650Khz. The tuning voltage is supplied via RV2, a 10k potentiometer connected to the 12 Volt power supply.

RV1 is the gain control allowing weak signals to be amplified or strong signals to be attenuated. The control voltage is applied to gate 2 of TR1, a dual-gate MOSFET, the signal voltage applied via gate 1; the input signal being double tuned via the 330uH coil and the two KV1235 varicap diodes at the MOSFET's input and by the same components at the BF981 MOSFET's drain terminal. Both tuned circuits provide high selectivity across the entire tuning range. To aid stability the MOSFET stage is fed from a 6.2V zener stabilized supply.

To drive low impedance (50 ohm) receivers, the medium output impedance of the BF981 stage is enhanced by the composite amplifier made from Q2 and Q3. Q2 is operating in common emitter boosting voltage levels by just over 2, Q3 is operating in emitter follower providing the circuit with low output impedance.

Finally this active antenna can be used on other bands by changing the values of the 330uH coils. To perform on multiple bands switches or relays can be used to change the value of the coils.

Friday, October 8, 2010

4 Transistor 500mW FM Transmitter Circuit Diagram

4 Transistor 500mW FM Transmitter Circuit Diagram4 Transistor 500mW FM Transmitter Circuit Diagram

As shown, the audio ascribe is a microphone, which uses 2 x 2N3904 as the microphone audio preamplifier. The audio/mic ascribe akin is adjustable by agency of a 5k preset / potentiometer.

The ambit uses a Colpitts oscillator for abundance generation, which is chargeless active and operates at the axiological abundance i.e. no circuitous abundance multiplication or control. The abundance affability basic of the ambit consists of 2 5pF (picoFarad) capacitors and a distinct 10uH (micro-Henry) inductor. These apparatus can be adapted if a change in abundance is appropriate - conceivably alike replaced with capricious capacitors (if you're up to the challenge).

An achievement RF amplifier takes the abundance produced by the Colpitts oscillator and amplifier to about about the 500mW (0.5 Watt) ambit - so this is the almost achievement ability of this FM transmitter. You are brash that back this transmitter operates at the axiological frequency, and because there is no achievement filter, there is acceptable to be some abundance alluvion and harmonics/spurious emissions.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Metal Detector Schematic Circuit Diagram

Metal Detector Schematic Circuit DiagramMetal Detector Schematic Circuit Diagram

The ambit declared actuality is that of a metal detector. The opera- tion of the ambit is based on superheterodyning assumption which is frequently acclimated in superhet receivers. The ambit utilises two RF oscillators. The frequencies of both oscillators are anchored at 5.5 MHz. The aboriginal RF oscillator comprises transistor T1 (BF 494) and a 5.5MHz bowl clarify frequently acclimated in TV sound-IF section. The additional oscillator is a Colpitt�s oscillator realised with the advice of transistor T3 (BF494) and inductor L1 (whose architecture capacity follow) shunted by trimmer capacitor VC1. These two oscillators� frequencies (say Fx and Fy) are alloyed in the mixer transistor T2 (another BF 494) and the aberration or the exhausted abundance (Fx-Fy) achievement from beneficiary of transistor T2 is affiliated to detector date absolute diodes D1 and D2 (both OA 79).

The achievement is a pulsating DC which is anesthetized through a low-pass clarify realised with the advice of a 10k resistor R12 and two 15nF capacitors C6 and C10. It is again anesthetized to AF amplifier IC1 (2822M) via aggregate ascendancy VR1 and the achievement is fed to an 8-ohm/1W speaker. The inductor L1 can be complete application 15 turns of 25SWG wire on a 10cm (4-inch) bore air-core above and again cementing it with careful varnish. For able operation of the ambit it is analytical that frequencies of both the oscillators are the aforementioned so as to access aught exhausted in the absence of any metal in the abreast around of the circuit.

The alignment of oscillator 2 (to bout oscillator 1 frequency) can be done with the advice of trimmer capacitor VC1. When the two frequencies are equal, the exhausted abundance is zero, i.e. exhausted frquency=Fx-Fy=0, and appropriately there is no complete from the loudspeaker. When chase braid L1 passes over metal, the metal changes its inductance, thereby alteration the additional oscillator�s frequency. So now Fx-Fy is not aught and the loudspeaker sounds. Appropriately one is able to ascertain attendance of metal

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gambar Skema Rangkain Audio Amplifier 10 Watt

Gambar Skema Rangkain Audio Amplifier 10 WattGambar Skema Rangkain Audio Amplifier 10 Watt

This schematic is a 10 watt amplifier for audio frequencies (approx. 50Hz-20kHz). The circuit is extremely simple, comprised of a total of only 18 components, 4 of which are transistors. Of the transistors used, 1 is a PNP (2N3906) , and 3 are NPN (2n697, 2 x NJ480).

Source :

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Microphone Pre-Amplifier 9-12Volt Discrete

Microphone Pre-Amplifier 9-12Volt  Discrete Microphone Pre-Amplifier 9-12Volt Discrete

This is a microphone pre-amplifier ambit that use detached components. The accretion of this ambit is 100 and should be abundant for best microphones. It is set by the arrangement of the 10k resistor to the 100R. As common-emitter amplifiers, This ambit uses two anon accompanying transistors. Here is the schematic diagram of circuit:

Please agenda that this ambit has no bent voltage source, so you can’t use with condenser blazon microphones. You can use this ambit with activating blazon microphone, or condenser electret bore with alive ambit central (any microphone which is able with array central can be used).

Friday, August 6, 2010

Multi-Band AM DSB Transmitter Circuit Shcematic

Multi-Band AM DSB Transmitter Circuit Shcematic Multi-Band AM DSB Transmitter Circuit Shcematic

The ambit of AM transmitter is advised to address (amplitude modulated) DSB (double ancillary band) signals. A articulate AM arresting consists of a carrier and two symetrically spaced ancillary bands. The two ancillary bands accept the aforementioned amplitude and backpack the aforementioned information. In fact, the carrier itself coveys or carries no information. In a 100% articulate AM arresting 2/3 rd of the ability is ashen in the carrier and alone 1/6th of the ability is independent in anniversary ancillary band.

In this transmitter we abolish the carrier and transmitt alone the two ancillary bands. The able achievement of the ambit is three times that of an agnate AM transmitter.

Op Amp IC741 is acclimated actuality as a microphone amplifier to amplify the articulation best up by the condenser microphone. The achievement of the op amp is fed to the bifold counterbalanced modulator (DBM) body about four IN4148 diodes. The accentuation akin can be adapted with the advice of preset VR1.

The carrier is generated application clear oscillator active about BC548 transistor T2. The carrier is added amplified by transistor T1, which additionally acts as a absorber amid carrier oscillator and the counterbalanced modulator. The alive abundance of the transmitter can be afflicted by application crystals of altered frequencies. For multi abundance operation, alternative of altered crystals can be fabricated application a selector switch.

Ths achievement of the DBM contains alone the artefact (of audio and carrier) frequencies. The DBM suppresses both the ascribe signals and produces bifold ancillary bandage suppressed carrier (DSBSC) at its output. However, back the diodes acclimated in the counterbalanced modulator are not absolutely matched, the achievement of the DBM does accommodate some balance carrier. This is accepted as carrier leakage. By adjusting the 100 ohm preset VR2 and trimmer C7 you can absent the carrier leakage.

To accept DSB signals you charge a exhausted abundance oscillator to reinsert the missing carrier. If you don't accept a exhausted abundance oscillator, or appetite to transmitt alone AM signal, acclimatize preset VR2 to aperture some carrier so that you can accept the signals on any accustomed radio receiver. In AM approach 100% accentuation can be accomplished by adjusting preset VR1 and VR2.

The DSBSC arresting accessible at the achievement of the counterbalanced modulator is amplified by two stages of RF beeline amplifiers. Transistor 2N2222A (T3) is acclimated as an RF pre amplifier, which provides abundant arresting addition to drive the final ability amplifier body about transistor SL100B. The achievement of the final ability amplifier is affiliated to the antenna.

All coils are to be anguish ferrite balun amount (same as acclimated in TV balun agent of admeasurement 1.4 cm * 0.6 cm) application 24 swg enameled chestnut wire. Proper calefaction bore should be provided for SL100B transistor acclimated as final ability amplifier.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anti-Log Converter Schematic Circuits

Anti-Log Converter Schematic Circuits Anti-Log Converter Schematic Circuits

Anti-log or exponential bearing is artlessly a amount of rearranging the logarithmic circuitry. The ambit diagram beneath shows the chip of the log adapted to accomplish an exponential achievement from a beeline input.

The emitter of Q2 in admeasurement to the ascribe voltage is apprenticed by amplifier A1 in affiliation with transistor Q1. The beneficiary accepted of Q2 varies exponentially with the emitter-base voltage.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

USB-FX2 USB-2.0 interface board circuit schematic

USB-FX2 USB-2.0 interface board circuit schematicUSB-FX2 USB-2.0 interface board circuit schematic

There are some things one should be aware of when building the design above:

  • Resonator: According to the data sheet, the FX2LP has an on-chip oscillator circuit which requires an external 24MHz (±100ppm) parallel resonant, fundamental mode crystal with 500uW drive level and 12pF (5% tolerance) load capacitors. So, you can't just put any 24MHz crystal there but things don't seem to be as critical as one may expect. I'm using a 24MHz fundamental mode crystal (24-MA505 from Reichelt) with 10..15pF caps (or even 32pF).

    (Note: In the schematic above, there are 2 crystal oscillators in parallel merely to have both options on the PCB (one of them is an SMD). Only one of them is actually soldered onto the board.)
  • EEPROM: You can use an optional serial EEPROM to store either USB configuration data or a complete program which is loaded into the microcontroller's RAM at startup. You can leave it away completely to use default USB config data and download firmware via the USB (thereby also changing, the config data, it's the so-called ReNumeration thingy). Note, however, that if you leave away the EEPROM, you must still put in both the 2.2k I2C bus pull-up resistors.
  • PWR_SEL: For USB-powered operation (500mA max), close a jumper between pins 2 and 3, for externally powered operation, apply 5V and GND to pins 2 and 1, respectively. There is an additional 5V, 3.3V and GND power connector called PWR_HUB to connect with add-on boards.
  • For 5V-to-3.3V conversion, you need to use an LDO (low-dropout regulator) like the LM2937. It should have a drop-out of 1.2V max since the USB specs allow the 5V voltage to be as low as 4.5V on the slave side.
  • Of course, usual voodoo applies like putting decoupling caps near by and keeping the USB data lines short. A massive ground plane is mandatory, at least for the analog half. Forget about Cypress telling you that you need at least a 4-layer PCB. My regular 2-layer PCB (ground plane on bottom) works stable in high-speed mode even with 3m USB cable.
Source :

Monday, June 14, 2010

Car Stereo Audio Amplifier with TDA1553CQ Circuit Diagram

Car Stereo Audio Amplifier with TDA1553CQ Circuit DiagramCar Stereo Audio Amplifier with TDA1553CQ Circuit Diagram

This is a stereo audio amplifier for your car. The ambit is powered by a distinct IC TDA1553 with some alien components, this IC will handle your stereo car audio system.

The TDA1553CQ is a caked chip class-B achievement amplifier in a 13-lead artificial DIL-bent-SIL ability package. It contains 2×22 W amplifiers in BTL configuration. The accessory is primarily developed for car radio applications.

Special features of the device are:

3-state mode switch

· standby: low supply current (<100>

Loudspeaker protection

When a short-circuit to ground occurs, which forces a DC voltage across the loudspeaker of >= V, a built-in protection circuit becomes active and limits the DC voltage across the loudspeaker to <= V. Pin 12 detects the status of the protection circuit (e.g. for diagnostic purposes).

Short-circuit protection

If any output is short-circuited to ground during the standby mode, it becomes impossible to switch the circuit to the mute or operating condition. In this event the supply current will be limited to a few milliamps.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Circuits Schematic Mono Audio Mixer

Circuits Schematic Mono Audio MixerCircuits Schematic Mono Audio Mixer

This mixer shows you how to accomplish microphone pre-amps for low and hi impedance mics. Use the everyman babble op-amp you can acquisition that has agnate characteristics to the LT1112 (although it is not too bare itself). The lath has added band inputs and follows the schematic.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Circuit Diagram and Schematics Nokia N-Gage

Circuit Diagram and Schematics Nokia N-Gage Circuit Diagram and Schematics Nokia N-Gage

The NEM-4 (Nokia N-Gage) is a Mobile Game Deck with blast for EGSM900 and GSM1800/GSM1900 networks. It appearance large, aerial resolution, alive cast colour affectation (176 x 208 pixels) with 4096 colours; abstracted appliance key, music and radio adjustment keys; and 5-way rocker. The afterward book contains detail ambit diagram and schematics of Nokia N-Gage alternation which covers:

"Connections between RF and BB modules, NEM-4 BB, UPP_WD2 NEM-4, power circuit, NEM-4 AUX Power, UEM, Audio, ADSP and FLASH, FM Radio and Audio Codec, Memories, User Interface, keypad, Card and USB Interface, Accessory Interface, System Connector, LPRF BT102, Test Interface, GSM BB-RF Interface, Connectors Between RF Modules, Power Amplifier, Mjoelner, Testpoints, Component Placement Diagram Bottom, Component Placement Diagram Top."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply Circuits Diagram

10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply Circuits Diagram10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply Circuits Diagram

I actually activated this and advisedly destroyed several 2N3055’s by shorting the emitters to ground. In all cases the transistors opened up and no beneficiary to emitter abbreviate occurred in any transistor. In any event, the alternative ambit in Figure 2 will accord you that added accord of apperception back a actual big-ticket radio is acclimated with the ability supply. The ambit in Figure 2 senses back the voltage exceeds 15 volts and causes the zener diode to conduct. Back the zener diode conducts, the aboideau of the SCR is angry on and causes the SCR to abbreviate which assault the 15 amp agglutinate and shuts off the achievement voltage. A 2N6399 (Tech America) was acclimated for the SCR in the ancestor but any acceptable SCR can be used. While over voltage aegis is a acceptable idea, it should not be advised a acting for ample calefaction sinks. I alone feel the best aegis from over voltage is the use of ample calefaction sinks and a reliable accepted attached circuit. Be abiding to use ample calefaction sinks forth with calefaction bore grease for the 2N3055 transistors. I accept acclimated this ability accumulation in my berth for several months on all kinds of transceivers from HF, VHF to UHF with accomplished after-effects and actually no hum. This ability accumulation will be a acceptable accession to your berth and will abundantly enhance your ability of ability supplies.


R1 1.5K ¼ Watt Resistor (optional, tie pins 6 & 5 of IC1 together if not used.)

R2,R3 0.1 Ohm 10 Watt Resistor (Tech America 900-1002)

R4 270 Ohm ¼ Watt Resistor

R5 680 Ohm ¼ Watt Resistor

R6,R7 0.15 Ohm 10 Watt Resistor (Tech America 900-1006)

R8 2.7K ¼ Watt Resistor

R9 1K Trimmer Potentiometer (RS271-280)

R10 3.3K ¼ Watt Resistor

C1,C2,C3,C4 4700 Microfarad Electrolytic Capacitor 35 Volt (observe polarity)

C5 100 Picofarad Ceramic Disk Capacitor

C6 1000 Microfarad Electrolytic Capacitor 25 Volt (observe polarity)

IC1 LM723 (RS276-1740) Voltage Regulator IC. Socket is recommended.

Q1 TIP3055T (RS276-2020) NPN Transistor (TO-220 Heat Sink Required)

Q2,Q3 2N3055 (RS276-2041) NPN Transistor (Large TO-3 Heat Sink Required)

S1 Any SPST Toggle Switch

F1 3 Amp Fast Blow Fuse

D1-D4 Full Wave Bridge Rectifier (RS276-1185)

T1 18 Volt, 10 Amp Transformer Hammond #165S18 (Tech America 900-5825)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Quad Audio Amplifier Circuit diagram with TDA7831 4×25W

Quad Audio Amplifier Circuit diagram with TDA7831 4×25WQuad Audio Amplifier Circuit diagram with TDA7831 4×25W

The afterward is a cloister amplifier circuit (amplifier with four inputs and four outputs) based TDA7381. This amplifier is advised for car audio system, but you can additionally use this ambit for added purposes. This ambit has a architecture actual simple and actual accessible to build.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Guitar Control Circuit Diagram

Guitar Control Circuit DiagramGuitar Control Circuit Diagram

Device purpose:

This preamplifier was advised as a stand-alone carriageable unit, advantageous to ascendancy the signals generated by guitar pick-ups, decidedly the acquaintance "bug" types activated to acoustic instruments. Obviously it can be acclimated with any blazon of apparatus and pick-up.

It appearance a -10dB, 0dB and +10dB pre-set ascribe selector to acclimatize ascribe sensitivity, in adjustment to cope with about any analeptic blazon and model. a actual continued array activity is ensured by the abundantly low accepted burning of this circuit, i.e. beneath than 800µA.

Circuit operation:

IC1A op-amp is alive as an inverting amplifier, accepting its accretion set by a three means about-face inserting altered amount resistors in alongside to R4. This ascribe date is followed by an alive three-band accent ascendancy date accepting accord accretion back controls are set in their centermost position and congenital about IC1B.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Audio VU Level Meter Circuit with LM324

Audio VU Level Meter Circuit with LM324Audio VU Level Meter Circuit with LM324

The 1K resistors in the circuit are capital so that the LED's about-face on at altered audio levels. There is no acumen why you can't change these resistors, although annihilation aloft 5K may account some of the LED's to never about-face on. This ambit is calmly abundant with added op-amps, and is not bound to use with the LM324. Pretty abundant any op-amp will assignment as continued as you attending up the pinouts and accomplish abiding aggregate is appropriately connected.

The 33K resistor on the schematic is to accumulate the arresting ascribe to the ambit at a low level. It is absurd you will acquisition a 33K resistor, so the abutting you can get should do. The amount of this resistor may charge to be changed, so it is best you breadboard this ambit afore absolutely amalgam it on PCB. The ambit in it's accepted anatomy will acquire band akin inputs from sources such as the aux out on a Hi-Fi, all admitting could be calmly adapted to acquire apostle inputs.

The audio + is affiliated to the capital absolute rail, while the audio - is acclimated for arresting input. The 50k pot can be acclimated to alter the acuteness of the circuit.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Car Battery Charger 12Volt Circuit Diagram

Car Battery Charger 12Volt Circuit DiagramCar Battery Charger 12Volt Circuit Diagram

The aloft circuit claimed accept adeptness to anticipate array blackmail that accomplish electrolyte absent due to evaporation. This ambit will annihilate the problems by ecology the battery’s action of allegation through its attendant ascendancy ambit by applying a aerial allegation accepted until the array is absolutely charged. Back charging is complete, it turns on the red LED (LD2) and deactivates the charging circuit.

This ambit is fatigued to allegation 12V batteries ONLY. Certain accent should be taken back base up this circuit. They are the access of the agent to the ambit board, and those bartering accepted to the array actuality charged. These access should be fabricated with cables accepting a ample cross-sectional breadth to anticipate voltage-drop and calefaction accession back accepted flows through them.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

MP3 Car Amplifier Schematic Circuits 150W

MP3 Car Amplifier Schematic Circuits 150W MP3 Car Amplifier Schematic Circuits 150W

These accessories are low cost, aerial speed, bifold JFET ascribe operational amplifiers with an internally akin ascribe account voltage (BI-FET II technology). They crave low accumulation accepted yet advance a ample accretion bandage amplitude artefact and fast bulk rate. In addition, able-bodied akin aerial voltage JFET ascribe accessories accommodate actual low ascribe bent and account currents. The LF353 is pin accordant with the accepted LM1558 acceptance designers to anon advancement e the all-embracing achievement of absolute LM1558 and LM358 designs. These amplifiers may be acclimated in applications such as aerial acceleration integrators, fast D/A converters, sample and authority circuits and abounding added circuits acute low ascribe account voltage, low ascribe bent current, aerial ascribe impedance, aerial bulk amount and advanced bandwidth. The accessories additionally display low babble and account voltage drift. (National Semiconductor

Internally trimmed offset voltage: 10 mV

Low input bias current: 50pA

Low input noise voltage: 25 nV

Low input noise current: 0.01 pA

Wide gain bandwidth: 4 MHz

High slew rate: 13 V/us

Low supply current: 3.6 m

High input impedance: 1012.

Low total harmonic distortion : <>

Friday, May 21, 2010

65W Power Amplifier Circuits with HEXFET

65W Power Amplifier Circuits with HEXFET 65W Power Amplifier Circuits with HEXFET

A average ability amplifier that is characterized by a lot of acceptable complete quality, but accompanying is actual simple in the construction. Him uses, abundant time in my alive loudspeakers. In his achievement date abide the actual acceptable FET transistors, technology HEXFET, transistor which are controlled by voltage and no by accepted as the classically bipolar transistors. The ambit has balanced designing, absolute appropriately the harmonic baloney problem.

All the transistors that are acclimated in the ambit are simple and they abide in big clearings in the market. The pairs of cogwheel amplifiers Q1-2 and Q3-4 should be akin amid them and abreast the one in the other. Appropriately you can buy abundant transistors of types BC550C and BC560C, and with a multimeter you bout amid them creating pairs with aforementioned characteristics, ensuring appropriately compatible behavior in the temperature changes etc. Networks RC from the R7/C3 and R12/C4 abatement the bandwidth of cogwheel amplifiers and ability amplifier in the 6.5MHZ. Resistors R8-9-10-11 action as bounded acknowledgment in the cogwheel amplifiers convalescent the linearity. The cogwheel amplifiers are supplied with connected accepted from him accepted sources Q5 and Q6. The bent of accepted sources becomes from the aggregate of diodes LED D1, D2 and R20.

This becomes because the aggregate transistor/LED ensures big thermic stability, for this acumen should they are in actual abreast ambit [1]. With the TR1 trimmer we adapt the bent accepted of achievement ability stage. For this acumen Q8 should acquisition itself on the heatsink so that it ensures thermic adherence in the bias, so that it does not change with the temperature changes. The resistors R32-33 appearance a bounded acknowledgment bronchus in the achievement stage, because this functions as voltage amplifier.

With the TR1, R3-4, C14 we adapt the amplifier achievement DC account voltage, abreast in the zero. The transistors Q8-10-11-12-13, [Fig.1] should are placed on heatsink, abacus amid the transistors and the heatsink of acceptable affection leaves mica and ointment. Inductor L1 is constituted by 6 coils of cloistral cupreous wire of bore 1.5mm, with centralized inductor bore of 16mm

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Audio Power Amplifier 170W with LM4651 & LM4652

Audio Power Amplifier 170W with LM4651 & LM4652Audio Power Amplifier 170W with LM4651 & LM4652

The aggregate of the LM4651 disciplinarian IC and the LM4652 ability MOSFET Class D ability amplifier IC provides a aerial ability amplifier solution, acceptable for self-powered speakers, subwoofers and affection car boosters.

The LM 4651 is a absolutely chip accepted beating amplitude modulator (PWM) driver, absolute undervoltage, abbreviate circuit, overmodulation, and thermal abeyance aegis circuitry. The IC appearance a standby action which shuts bottomward the beating amplitude modulation, aspersing accumulation current.

The LM 4652 is a absolutely chip H-bridge Ability Mosfet IC in a TO220 ability package. The IC has a congenital in temperature sensor to active the LM4651 back the die temperature exceeds the beginning limit.

Used together, the LM4651 and LM4652 anatomy a simple, compact, efficient, aerial affection ability audio amplifier band-aid complete with protection, commonly apparent alone in Class AB amplifiers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Odd Block KT88 Series 1 Tube Amp-Power Supply

Odd Block KT88 Series 1 Tube Amp-Power Supply  Odd Block KT88 Series 1 Tube Amp-Power Supply

A schematic of the ability accumulation is apparent below. Like the amplifier schematic, the ability accumulation ambit is © OddWatt Audio and permission to host the schematic on this armpit has been provided by OddWatt Audio. You are chargeless to use the schematic for personal, non-commercial use.

Mains ability enters the amplifier through an IEC atrium amid at the rear of the amp. The IEC atrium includes a 3 Ampere agglutinate and an EMI filter. The ability agent is an OEM bogus by Edcor with ratings of 180V-0-180V at 250 mA and 12V at 4A. Ability accumulation capacitors are Panasonic ECG alternation 500 volt electrolytic and Solen Polypropyene. The ample ability resistors are Vishay/Dale wire anguish and the actual resistors are carbon film. The High-Tension (HT) accumulation is rectified with STTH5 ultrafast aerial voltage rectifiers and uses CRC filtering. A 12V DC accumulation is acclimated for the tube heaters. An adjustable adjournment ambit is acclimated to adjournment the HT accumulation on ability up.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

6 Watt Audio Amplifier Schematic Circuit with TDA1519

6 Watt Audio Amplifier Schematic Circuit with TDA15196 Watt Audio Amplifier Schematic Circuit with TDA1519

The audio amplifier circuit is on the TDA1519 amplifier IC that is based in audio applications, which is not a aerial achievement ability can be used. The ambit TDA1519 is a ability of 2×6 watts.

The TDA1519 is an amplifier congenital Class B dual-output advance in a 9-by-line (SIL) artificial amalgamation boilerplate achievement is primarily developed for car radio applications.

Key Features of the audio amplifier IC TDA1519 are: Requires few alien components, anchored gain, acceptable bounce drive, aphasiac / standby mode, thermal protection, about-face polarity safe. Tda1519 amplifier ability rating, 14.4 volts.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

1.5V Amplified Ear Circuit Diagram

1.5V Amplified Ear Circuit Diagram1.5V Amplified Ear Circuit Diagram

Device purpose:

This circuit, affiliated to 32 Ohm impedance mini-earphones, can ascertain actual alien sounds. Useful for theatre, cinema and address goers: every chat will be acutely heard. You can additionally accept to your television set at a actual low volume, alienated to bother ancestors and neighbors. Even if you accept a faultless hearing, you may ascertain abrupt sounds application this device: a alien bird twittering will assume actual abutting to you.

Circuit operation:

The affection of the ambit is a constant-volume ascendancy amplifier. All the signals picked-up by the microphone are amplified at a connected akin of about 1 Volt aiguille to peak. In this address actual low amplitude audio signals are awful amplified and aerial amplitude ones are limited. This operation is able by Q3, modifying the bent of Q1 (hence its AC gain) by agency of R2. A noteworthy affection of this ambit is 1.5V array operation. Typical accepted drawing: 7.5mA.


  • Due to the constant-volume control, some users may consider P1 volume control unnecessary. In most cases it can be omitted, connecting C6 to C3. In this case use a SPST slider or toggle switch as SW1.
  • Please note the stereo output Jack socket (J1) connections: only the two inner connections are used, leaving open the external one. In this way the two earpieces are wired in series, allowing mono operation and optimum load impedance to Q4 (64 Ohm).
  • Using suitable miniature components, this circuit can be enclosed in a very small box, provided by a clip and hanged on one's clothes or slipped into a pocket.
  • Gary Pechon from Canada reported that the Amplified Ear is so sensitive that he can hear a whisper 7 meters across the room.

    He hooked a small relay coil to the input and was able to locate power lines in his wall. He was also able to hear the neighbor's stereo perfectly: he could pick up the signals sent to the speaker voice coil through a plaster wall.

    Gary suggests that this circuit could make also a good electronic stethoscope.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

L297 Stepper Motor Controller Circuits

L297 Stepper Motor Controller CircuitsL297 Stepper Motor Controller Circuits

Four appearance drive signals for two appearance bipolar and four appearance unipolar footfall motors in microcomputer-controlled appliance is calmly implemented application L29 Stepper Motor Controller IC. We can drive the motor in bisected step, accustomed and beachcomber drives approach and switch-mode ascendancy of the accepted in the windings is permuted on dent PWM chopper circuits.

This accessory has some appearance like it requires alone clock, administration and approach ascribe signals. Since the appearance are produced internally the accountability on the microprocessor, and the programmer, is decidedly reduced. This accessory is army in DIP20 and SO20 packages. We can use L297 with caked arch drives such as L293E or L298N, or we additionally can use it with detached transistors and Darlingtons.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Electronic Locker Circuit Schematic Picture

Electronic Locker Circuit Schematic
All the adapted numbers of the cipher are in the aforementioned line. To set the adjustment of the cardinal of the code, we accept to set the acceptable affiliation amid the bulge of the 7414 ascribe and the adapted bulge of the capacitor. For example, if we baddest the aboriginal band (y1) and the cipher is 0,1,2,3 the aboriginal cardinal (#1) is affiliated to the top larboard acquaintance (x1). The about-face 0 is agnate to x1/y1. These credibility of acquaintance are black in orange in the schematic. When the locker is locked, the red LED is angry on and the blooming LED is angry off. When the locker is opened, the red LED is angry off and the blooming LED is angry on. To lock the locker, we can advance any of the 16 switches of the matrix. The locker is powered by a 6V source. I acclaim application a 6V rechargeable array because this one lasts a continued time (at atomic 3 abounding days) and can be re-used. Otherwise, we can use four 1.5V array affiliated in serial. These atomic alone 5 hours but are beneath expensive.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Simple Sound-to-Light Converter Schematic Diagram

Simple Sound-to-Light Converter Schematic DiagramSimple Sound-to-Light Converter Schematic Diagram

Figure 1 shows a simple ambit for converting an audio arresting (such as one that comes from the apostle terminals of a CD player). The ambit basically consists of a buffer/amplifier date and three clarify circuits: a high-pass filter, a mid-pass filter, and a low-pass filter. The achievement of anniversary clarify ambit drives a light-emitting diode of altered color.

The ascribe arresting is fed to the absorber date through C1. The ethics of RF and RV1 should be called so that the absorber is able to drive the three filters absorbed to its output. The low-frequency, mid-frequency, and high-frequency apparatus of the ascribe arresting are alone accustomed to canyon through the low-pass clarify (bottom filter), the mid-pass clarify (middle filter), and the high-pass clarify (topmost filter), respectively, appropriately amid them from anniversary other.

Changes in the achievement of a clarify account its agnate achievement LED to about-face on and off. In effect, agriculture a connected audio arresting to the ascribe of this ambit causes the LED's to 'dance'.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

POWER SUPPLAY 13,8 Volt Schematic

POWER SUPPLAY 13,8 Volt Schematic
POWER SUPPLAY 13,8 Volt Schematic
POWER SUPPLAY 13,8 Volt Schematic
POWER SUPPLAY 13,8 Volt Schematic

Part list for 12 Amp BDX33-based power supply:

  • 2 x 15 volt 6+ amps

  • 2 times two MR750 (MR7510) diodes (MR750 = 6 Ampere diode) or 2 times 3 1N5401 (1N5408) diodes.

  • F1 = 1 Amp

  • F2 = 15 amp

  • R1 2k2 1 Watt

  • R2 10k

  • R3 1k 0.5 watt

  • R4,R5,R6,R7 0.1 ohm 10 watt

  • R8 4.7

  • R9 6k8

  • C1 two times 4700uF/35v

  • C2 330uF/35v

  • C0',C3,C4,C6,C10 100nF

  • C7 330uF/25v

  • C8 47nF

  • C9 47uF/25v

  • D1 1N5401

  • D2 LED

  • D3, D4, D5 1N4001

  • IC1 78L15

  • relay 12 volt 2x5 amp switching

  • 3 darlington transistors: T0,T1,T2 = BDX-33 NPN TO-220 transistor

  • Zd 8 or 9 volt, 5 watt

  • P1 2k trimmer

If using a bridge rectifier (like in schematic 2) you do not need 2 x 15 volts 6 amps, but 1 x 15 volt 10+ Amps

Part list for 20 Amp BDX33-based power supply:

  • 2 x 15 volt 12+ amps

  • 2 times 3 MR750 (MR7510) diodes (MR750 = 6 Ampere diode) or 2 times 5 1N5401 (1N5408) diodes.

  • F1 = 2 Amp

  • F2 = 25 amp

  • R1 2k2 1 Watt

  • R2 10k

  • R3 1k 0.5 watt

  • R4,R5,R6,R7 0.1 ohm 10 watt

  • R8 4.7

  • R9 6k8

  • C1 22000uF/35v

  • C2 330uF/35v

  • C0',C3,C4,C6,C10 100nF

  • C7 330uF/25v

  • C8 47nF

  • C9 47uF/25v

  • D1 1N5401

  • D2 LED

  • D3, D4, D5 1N4001

  • IC1 7815

  • relay 12 volt 10 amp switching

  • Four darlington transistors: T0,T1,T2,T3 = BDX-33 NPN TO-220 transistor

  • Zd 8 or 9 volt, 5 watt

  • P1 2k trimmer

If using a bridge rectifier (like in schematic 2) you do not need 2 x 15 volts 12 amps, but 1 x 15 volt 20 Amps

Sunday, May 2, 2010

50W AF Power Amplifier with STK4036II Schematic Circuit

50W AF Power Amplifier with STK4036II Schematic Circuit50W AF Power Amplifier with STK4036II Schematic Circuit

STK4036II features:

• Compact package for thin-type audio sets

• Member of pin-compatible series with outputs of 20 to 200W

• Easy heatsink design to disperse heat generated in thintype stereo sets

• Constant-current circuit to reduce supply switch-on and switch-off shock noise

• External supply switch-on and switch-off shock noise muting, load short-circuit protection, thermal shutdown and other circuits can be tailor-designed.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Audio Amplifer Circuit 230W With MOSFET IRFP240,9240

Audio Amplifer Circuit 230W  With MOSFET IRFP240,9240Audio Amplifer Circuit 230W With MOSFET IRFP240,9240

Here is simple LED-power audio amplifier ambit with MOSFET amplifier TL071C and 2 may be up to 45 W into 8 ohms. For MOSFET IRFP240 and IRFP9240 are acclimated assurance with accessory can now be these modification.

The arrangement is at the appeal SILICONIX and the voltage change of 2 consecutive resistances from suppliers operating voltage amplifier disciplinarian was inserted. MOSFET charge be army on at atomic one condenser 1K / W.

Amplifier ability is 70%, the abridgement in the abundance baloney in added than 0.2% at 20 Hz at 8 ohms and 10W. With a accumulation voltage in the ambit of + – 30V, can accumulation audio amplifier MOSFET 45W into 8 ohms and 70W into 4 ohms. Remember that the complete amplifier is short, so all you can analysis the radio button is protected, whether the apostle is connected.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stereo Circuit Schematic of The ADAU1592 Audio Power Amplifier

Stereo Circuit Schematic of The ADAU1592 Audio Power Amplifier

This is a stereo circuit schematic of the ADAU1592, a 2-channel, bridge-tied amount (BTL) switching audio ability amplifier. You can administer ADAU1592 on collapsed console televisions, pc audio arrangement and/or mini-components applications.

According to the ADAU1592 datasheet, an alien aegis ambit is recommended to be added for applications that crave accumulation voltage (PVDD) >15 V, you can use RC snubber or Schottky diode for this purpose. To anticipate the exhausted frequencies of asynchronous clocks (if appliance assorted ADAU1592s) in the audio band, it is recommended to use alone one alarm antecedent if the ADAU1592s allotment the aforementioned ability supply.

You can additionally body a archetypal address appliance ambit of the ADAU1592 by affairs pin 11 (MO/ST) to argumentation high, with abundant account in the datasheet.

Monday, April 19, 2010

3 Channel Audio Mixer Circuit

Although the modular Portable Mixer architecture accessible on these web pages has become a hit for abounding amateurs, some correspondents appropriate a abundant simpler device, mainly for bond address signals.

This architecture should fulfil their needs, featuring three inputs with switchable high/low acuteness and abnormal level-control circuits, accouterment aerial afflict margins and low-noise figures, proportional to gain-level settings. Low accepted burning due to a simple, five-transistor circuitry, allows the Mini Mixer to be powered by a accepted 9V PP3 array for abounding hours.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Schematic Audio Amplifier Circuit 200W

Output Power : 200Watts

Load Resistance : 8ohms

Input impedance : 55K

Maximum supply voltage : (+95v)-0-(-95v)

Recommended supply voltage : (+66v)-0-(-66v)

This complete aerial quality, low babble address audio ability amplifier is based about the Hybrid Integrated Ambit STK4050 bogus by Sanyo. The ambit incorporates aggregate and has a best music achievement ability of 200W.The ambit incorporates an on lath ability supply; therefore, alone centre broke agent is appropriate to ability the circuit. I t has actual acceptable affection sound. U can use it with your Home Theatre your PC & etc... You can additionally use it as Subwoofer Amplifier.

It is a bunched amalgamation for THIN-TYPE Audio sets. Easy Heatsink architecture to banish calefaction generated in THIN-TYPE audio sets. Constant-Current ambit to Reduce accumulation switch-ON and switch-OFF shock noise. External accumulation switch-On and switch-OFF shock babble muting, Load circumlocute protection, thermal abeyance and added circuits can be tailored-designed.

Single Chip 25 Watt Mono Class-D Audio Power Amplifier Circuit

This class-D audio ability amplifier is acceptable for TV and home stereo set. TDA7882 IC dent provides class-D audio ability amplifier solution. Since this dent has alone address channel, you charge two pieces of this ambit for stereo application. The ability accumulation voltage is flexible, acquire (+-)10V to (+-)25V. This ambit needs a breach accumulation (symmetric ability supply). Here are the capital appearance of this class-D amplifier:

  • 25W OUTPUT POWER: RL = 8 ohm/4 ohm; THD = 10%

50Watt Audio Power Amplifier Circuit with LM3876

My account of architecture of this activity was to advance a bunched architecture for a stereo amplifier can be chip by a amiss (but the complete affection conscious!) Living apprentice at a university or a academy dormitory.
The amplifier feeds a brace of speakers with two LM3876 amplifier chip circuits (50 watts per channel), or a brace of headphones Meier Crossfeed through a clarify and a bifold OPA2134 Opamp. There are four selectable band inputs, and achievement buffers with band akin for the registry. The architecture with readily attainable apparatus of acceptable quality, and is disconnected into four BPC, a ability amplifier for anniversary channel, for the diet board, and for the pre-amp / headphone driver.
The achievement selector is beatific to pins J1 and J3. Looking at the larboard channel, C1 and R2 anatomy a low canyon clarify with a-3dB point of 40 kHz, which rejects any RF arrest best up on the interconnections. R2 additionally includes the impedance of the device, in this case, 47k ohms. R1 ensures Opamp U1 is presented with an impedance according to its two inputs, accord to convalescent the achievement of the distortions declared in the datasheet OPA2134.

The amount of R1 (9K1) is universally accessible, abutting to the amount of the alongside aggregate of R3 and R4 (22k and 15k, respectively). R3 and R4 set the accretion at that time, aloof beneath 2.5 in this case. This gives abounding amplitude for a advanced ambit of arresting sources, which could be as abundant as 3VRMS. In this case, the aiguille achievement voltage of 10.6V would be accomplished with the activity to accumulation ± 15V.
This antecedent accretion brings the arresting to a akin that the achievement of the aggregate can advance the ability amp circuits anon after any added benefit, and allows the helmet of the disciplinarian ambit to accomplish with a low gain, gives lower babble level. C7 forms 100kHz a lowpass clarify with R3, to abatement on the accretion of accord at actual aerial frequency, and to advice advance adherence in the Opamp. It is not carefully all-important for the proposed OPA2134 allows the unit, but bottomward acting cheaper but added acceptable cadence device, such as the NE5532, if budgets are tight. C19 brace the AC achievement of this appearance for aggregate control, and with a 50k potentiometer, the-3dB point of the acknowledgment of the headphone amps at 1.4Hz (power amp has added HIGH PASS FILTER). The capacitor is actual important because all the added stages are DC accompanying and DC C19 prevents any of the antecedent components, addition and presentation of headphones or speakers.

Resistance R9 binds the assembly of inputs to a recording accessory like a VCR or mini-disc. This helps to anticipate the antecedent actuality loaded in the diet of both the accretion date ascribe and the recording accessory and protects the source, the achievement should be shorted to apple for a acumen whatsoever. The achievement from J5 and J6 are alien into the aggregate ascendancy pot, which should be acceptable quality. Finally, C3 to C6 and accommodate decoupling of the ability accumulation rails, C5 and C6 aerial abundance decoupling, C3 and C4 lower decoupling.