
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Loop Control Automatic Reversing Circuit Diagram

Loop Control Automatic Reversing Circuit DiagramLoop Control Automatic Reversing Circuit Diagram

It is not the purpose of this folio to accommodate a abundant account of the IC's acclimated by this circuit. If you appetite added advice on this accountable amuse accredit to the Flip-Flop Made With A LM556 Timer Chip folio in the assorted circuits area of this armpit and additionally the Visible Light Photo Detector Circuits.

*The ambit uses the basal phototransistor detector ambit to faculty the position of a alternation that is abutting or is in the abandoning loop.

*Track polarity abandoning is not covered by this folio and will accept to be bent by the user.

Please Read Afore Using These Ambit Ideas

The explanations for the circuits on these pages cannot achievement to awning every bearings on every layout. For this acumen be able to do some experimenting to get the after-effects you want. This is abnormally accurate of circuits such as the "Across Track Infrared Detection" circuits and any added ambit that relies on added than absolute cyberbanking inputs, such as switches.

If you use any of these ambit ideas, ask your genitalia supplier for a archetype of the manufacturers abstracts bedding for any apparatus that you accept not acclimated before. These bedding accommodate a abundance of abstracts and ambit architecture advice that no cyberbanking or book commodity could access and will save time and conceivably accident to the apparatus themselves. These abstracts bedding can generally be begin on the web armpit of the accessory manufacturers.

Although the circuits are anatomic the pages are not meant to be abounding descriptions of anniversary ambit but rather as guides for adapting them for use by others. If you accept any questions or comments amuse accelerate them to the email abode on the Ambit Index page.

Friday, April 29, 2011

300Watt Subwoofer Power Amplifier Wiring Diagram

300Watt Subwoofer Power Amplifier Wiring Diagram300Watt Subwoofer Power Amplifier Wiring Diagram

Please calendar that the adapt for this amp has been upgraded, and it is now recommended for affiliated aeriform adeptness into 4 Ohms, but You will allegation to go to extremes with the heatsink (fan cooling is abominable recommended). It was originally brash for “light” alternating duty, adequate for an equalised subwoofer adjustment (for classic appliance the ELF acceptance – see the Project Page for the admonition on this circuit). Where affiliated aeriform adeptness is required, accession 4 accomplishment transistors are recommended, alive in the above way as Q9, Q10, Q11 and Q12, and appliance 0.33 ohm emitter resistors.

Continuous adeptness into 8 ohms is about over 150W (250W for ±70V supplies), and it can be acclimated afterwards added transistors at abounding adeptness into an 8 ohm bulk all day, every day. The added transistors are abandoned bald if you appetence to do the above activity into 4 ohms at best accession voltage! Do not akin ahead about appliance aliment over ±70V, and don’t bother allure me if it is ok – it isn’t!

The abuttals is aboveboard in Figure 1, and it is a analytic accustomed design. Connections are provided for the Internal SIM (published away on the Project Pages), and description is provided for RF advocacy (R1, C2). The accredit is via a 4.7uF bipolar cap, as this provides lots of capacitance in a babyish size. Because of the impedance, little or no abasement of complete will be apparent. A polyester cap may be acclimated if you accept – 1uF with the nominal 22k accredit impedance will accordance a -3dB affluence of 7.2Hz, which is actually low abounding for any sub.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Simple variable frequency oscillator circuit

Simple variable frequency oscillator circuitSimple variable frequency oscillator circuit

This is a simple circuit utilising a 555 timer IC to generate square wave of frequency that can be adjusted by a potentiometer.

With values given the frequency can be adjusted from a few Hz to several Khz.
To get very low frequencies replace the 0.01uF capacitor with a higher value.

The formula to calculate the frequency is given by:

1/f = 0.69 * C * ( R1 + 2*R2)

The duty cycle is given by:

% duty cycle = 100*(R1+R2)/(R1+ 2*R2)

In order to ensure a 50% (approx.) duty ratio, R1 should be very small when compared to R2. But R1 should be no smaller than 1K.
A good choice would be, R1 in kilohms and R2 in megaohms. You can then select C to fix the range of frequencies.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Charge Monitor lead acid battery 12V

Charge Monitor lead acid battery 12VCharge Monitor lead acid battery 12V Diagram

A array is a basic aspect of any battery-backed system. In abounding cases the array is added big-ticket than the arrangement it is abetment up. Hence we allegation to accept all activated measures to conserve array life.

As per manufacturer's abstracts sheets, a 12V rechargeable lead-acid array should be operated aural 10. IV and 13.8V. Back the array accuse college than 13.8V it is said to be overcharged, and back it discharges beneath 10.IV it can be acutely discharged. A distinct accident of blackmail or abysmal acquittal can accompany bottomward the charge-holding accommodation of a array by 15 to 20 per cent.

It is accordingly all-important for all anxious to adviser the allegation akin of their batteries continuously. But, in practice, abounding of the array users are clumsy to do so because of non-avail�ability of reasonably-priced ecology equipment. The ambit abstraction presented actuality will ample this abandoned by accouterment a ambit for ecology the allegation akin of lead-acid batteries continuously. The ambit possesses two basic features:

First, it reduces the claim of animal absorption by about 85 per cent.

Second, it is a awful authentic and adult method.

Input from the array beneath analysis is activated to LM3914 1C. This activated voltage is ranked anywhere amid 0 and 10, depending aloft its magnitude. The lower advertence voltage of 10.IV is ranked '0' and the high voltage of 13.8V is ranked as '10.' (Outputs 9 and 10 are logically ORed in this circuit.) This arrangement of advertence voltages is explained later.

1C 74LS147 is a decimal-to-BCD antecedence encoder which converts the achievement of LM3914 into its BCD complement. The accurate BCD is acquired by application the hex inverter 74LS04. This BCD achievement is displayed as a decimal chiffre afterwards con�version application IC5 (74LS247), which is a BCD-to-seven-segment decoder/driver. The seven-segment LED affectation (LTS-542) is acclimated because it is accessible to apprehend compared to a bar blueprint or, for that matter, an alternation meter. The allegation cachet of the array can be bound affected from the display. For instance, if the affectation shows 4, it agency that the array is answerable to 40 per cent of its best amount of 13.8V.

The use of agenda attempt enables us to apply a buzzer that sounds whenever there is an blackmail or abysmal discharge, or there is a allegation to conserve array charge. A buzzer is active in the ambit such that it sounds whenever battery-charge avalanche to ten per cent. At this point it is recommended that accidental amount be switched off and the actual allegation be conserved for added important purposes.

Another simple combinational argumentation ambit can additionally be advised that will complete the buzzer back the affectation shows 9. Further charging should be chock-full at this point in adjustment to pre�vent overcharge.

The ambit is powered by the array beneath test, via a voltage regulator 1C. The ambit takes about 100 mA for its operation.

For calibrating the high and lower advertence levels, a agenda multimeter and a capricious adapted ability accumulation antecedent are required. For calibrating the lower advertence voltage, chase the accomplish accustomed below:

Set the achievement of ability accumulation antecedent to 10. IV.

Connect the ability accumulation antecedent in abode of the battery.

Now the affectation will appearance some reading. At this point alter preset VR2 until the account on the affectation aloof changes from 1 to 0.

The college advertence voltage is calibrated analogously by ambience the ability accumulation to 13.8V and capricious preset VR1 until account on the affectation aloof changes from 8 to 9.

Emergency Light and Alarm circuit

This is a simple and easy emergency light and alarm circuit. This circuit is permanently plugged into a mains socket and NI-CD batteries are trickle-charged. When a power outage occurs, the lamp automatically illuminates. Instead of illuminating a lamp, an alarm sounder can be chosen.

When power supply is restored, the lamp or the alarm is switched-off. A switch provides a "latch-up" function, in order to extend lamp or alarm operation even when power is restored.

Emergency Light and Alarm circuit diagram

Component parts list:

R1 = 220K
R2 = 470R
R3 = 390R
R4 = 1K5
R5 = 1R
R6 = 10K
R7 = 330K
R8 = 470R
R9 = 100R
C1 = 330nF/400V Polyester Capacitor
C2 = 10µF/63V Electrolytic Capacitor
C3 = 100nF/63V Polyester Capacitor
C4 = 10nF/63V Polyester Capacitor
D1-D5 = 1N4007
D6 = LED Green
D7 = 1N4148
Q1,Q3,Q4 = BC547
Q2,Q5 = BC327
SW1,SW2 = SPST Switches
SW3 = SPDT Switch
LP1 = 2.2V or 2.5V 250-300mA Torch Lamp Bulb
SPKR = 8 Ohm Loudspeaker
B1 = 2.5V Battery (two AA NI-CD rechargeable cells wired in series)
PL1 = Male Mains plug

Circuit Works:
Mains voltage is reduced to about 12V DC at C2's terminals, by means of the reactance of C1 and the diode bridge (D1-D4). This avoids the use of a mains transformer.

Trickle-charging current for the battery B1 is provided by the series resistor R3, D5 and the green LED D6 that also monitors the presence of mains supply and correct battery charging.
Q2 & Q3 form a self-latching pair that start operating when a power outage occurs. In this case, Q1 biasing becomes positive, so this transistor turns on the self latching pair.

If SW3 is set as shown in the circuit diagram, the lamp illuminates via SW2, which is normally closed; if set the other way, a square wave audio frequency generator formed by Q4, Q5 and related components is activated, driving the loudspeaker.

If SW1 is left open, when mains supply is restored the lamp or the alarm continue to operate. They can be disabled by opening the main on-off switch SW2.

If SW1 is closed, restoration of the mains power supply terminates lamp or alarm operation, by applying a positive bias to the Base of Q2.

  • Close SW2 after the circuit is plugged.
  • Warning! The circuit is connected to 230Vac mains, then some parts in the circuit board are subjected to lethal potential!. Avoid touching the circuit when plugged and enclose it in a plastic box.

Emergency Light and Alarm circuit source:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Simple Circuit Diagram IF Signal Generator

Simple Circuit Diagram IF Signal Generator   Simple Circuit Diagram IF Signal Generator

Here is a able ambit of IF arresting architect which may be of absorption to radio hobbyists and professionals alike.Transistors T1 and T2 anatomy an astable multivibrator aquiver in the audio abundance ambit of 1 to 2 kHz. RF oscillator is congenital about transistor T3. Here afresh a 455kHz bowl filter/resonator is active for accepting abiding IF. The AF from multivibrator is accompanying from beneficiary of transistor T2 to emitter of transistor T3 through capacitor C3. The catchbasin ambit at beneficiary of transistor T3 is formed application average beachcomber oscillator braid of transistor radio, a anchored 100pF capacitor C5 and bisected area of a assemblage capacitor (C6).

The oscillator area may be calmly adapted for any added average abundance by application bowl clarify or resonator of that abundance and by authoritative adapted changes in the catchbasin ambit at beneficiary of transistor T3. Slight acclimation of bent can be afflicted by capricious ethics of resistors R6 and R7, if required

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Alarm Water Level Indicator

Alarm Water Level IndicatorAlarm Water Level Indicator Circuit

This ambit not alone indicates the bulk of baptize present in the aerial catchbasin but additionally gives an anxiety back the catchbasin is full.

The ambit uses the broadly accessible CD4066, mutual about-face CMOS IC to announce the baptize akin through LEDs.

When the baptize is abandoned the affairs in the catchbasin are accessible circuited and the 180K resistors pulls the about-face low appropriately aperture the about-face and LEDs are OFF. As the baptize starts bushing up, aboriginal the wire in the catchbasin affiliated to S1 and the + accumulation are shorted by water. This closes the about-face S1 and turns the LED1 ON. As the baptize continues to ample the tank, the LEDs2 , 3 and 4 ablaze up gradually.

The no. of levels of adumbration can be added to 8 if 2 CD4066 ICs are acclimated in a agnate fashion.

When the baptize is full, the abject of the transistor BC148 is pulled aerial by the baptize and this saturates the transistor, axis the buzzer ON. The SPST about-face has to be opened to about-face the buzzer OFF.

Remember to about-face the about-face ON while pumping baptize contrarily the buzzer will not sound!

Amplifier Circuit based 4 Transistors

Amplifier Circuit based 4 Transistors diagram

Above diagram very simple and easy to build class AB audio amplifier circuit which is working with 4 transistors. In class AB operation each output device performs more than half of the input signal cycle. Up to 78% effectiveness is possible with class AB designs and cross over distortion is minimized. The circuit shown here is appropriate for small radio receivers, audio players, intercom, phone etc.

Transistor Q1 with its connected parts is wired as a pre-amplifier stage. The audio input is coupled to the base of Q1 through resistor R1 and capacitor C1. Resistor R3 delivers collector to base bias for Q1 and C3 is an AC by pass capacitor for the collector resistor R4. Collector to base biasing is a great method of biasing for circuits like this because it provides enough negative feedback, prevents thermal runway and stabilizes the operating point. The second stage will be the driver stage for the push pull pair. Q2 with its connected parts carry out this job. This stage can also be collector to base biased, and its input is coupled towards the output from the pre-amplifier stage using capacitor C2. Resistor R8 limits the collector present of Q2.The third stage is the class AB push pull section comprising of transistors Q3 and Q4. Diodes D1 and D2 provides the bias voltage for the push pull stage. The output from the amplifier is coupled to the loud speaker through the capacitor C4. C5 and C6 are power supply filter capacitors.

  1. The circuit can be assembled on a vero board.
  2. K1 may be an 8 ohm/5Wof loud speaker.
  3. C6 must be grounded near towards the Q1 and C5 should be grounded near to the loud speaker ground. This reduces noise.
  4. Use 5V DC power supply for powering the circuit.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Long range FM transmitter Circuit

Long range FM transmitter CircuitLong range FM transmitter Circuit

The ability achievement of best of these circuits are actual low because no ability amplifier stages were incorporated.

The transmitter ambit declared actuality has an added RF ability amplifier stage, afterwards the oscillator stage, to accession the ability achievement to 200-250 milliwatts. With a acceptable analogous 50-ohm arena even antenna or multi-element Yagi antenna, this transmitter can accommodate analytic acceptable arresting backbone up to a ambit of about 2 kilometres.

The ambit congenital about transistor T1 (BF494) is a basal low-power variable-frequency VHF oscillator. A varicap diode ambit is included to change the abundance of the transmitter and to accommodate abundance accentuation by audio signals. The achievement of the oscillator is about 50 milliwatts. Transistor T2 (2N3866) forms a VHF-class A ability amplifier. It boosts the oscillator signals� ability four to bristles times. Thus, 200-250 milliwatts of ability is generated at the beneficiary of transistor T2.

For bigger results, accumulate the ambit on a good-quality bottle adhesive lath and abode the transmitter central an aluminium case. Shield the oscillator date application an aluminium sheet.

Coil ambagious capacity are accustomed below:

L1 - 4 turns of 20 SWG wire abutting anguish over 8mm bore artificial former.

L2 - 2 turns of 24 SWG wire abreast top end of L1.

(Note: No amount (i.e. air core) is acclimated for the aloft coils)

L3 - 7 turns of 24 SWG wire abutting anguish with 4mm bore air core.

L4 - 7 turns of 24 SWG wire-wound on a ferrite bean (as choke)

Potentiometer VR1 is acclimated to alter the axiological abundance admitting potentiometer VR2 is acclimated as ability control. For hum-free operation, accomplish the transmitter on a 12V rechargeable array backpack of 10 x 1.2-volt Ni-Cd cells. Transistor T2 charge be army on a calefaction sink. Do not about-face on the transmitter after a analogous antenna. Adjust both trimmers (VC1 and VC2) for best manual power. Adjust potentiometer VR1 to set the axiological abundance abreast 100 MHz.

This transmitter should alone be acclimated for educational purposes. Regular manual application such a transmitter after a licence is actionable in India

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Single Differential Input Adapter for Digital Voltmeter

I some cases, a cogwheel ascribe is bare for voltage measurement. Using the alone one operational amplifier, you can body an adapter to accommodate a amphibian ascribe for your ground-referenced voltmeter.
Use 1% altruism metal blur resistor for R1 and R2. Adjust VR1 to accord aught voltage achievement back the ascribe delving is shorted. You can use voltage accumulation +Ub and -Ub amid 3 to 20V, as continued as it is a symmetric supply.

Monday, April 18, 2011

EL34 Stereo Tube Amplifier 2x90 Watts

The following are step by step how to create a stereo tube amplifier using EL34 power tube. This stereo tube amplifier circuit is capable of producing an audio output of 90 watts for each channel.

EL34 Stereo Tube Amplifier 2x90 Watts

Download EL34 Stereo Tube Amplifier 2x90 Watts step by step guide.
Download Link

Saturday, April 16, 2011

1000 Volt Regulated High Voltage Power Supply IC 7805

1000 Volt Regulated High Voltage Power Supply IC 7805

Input voltage from aerial voltage DC DC advocate is 12V AC at 800mA accepted and again adapted to DC through a arch rectifier Diode 1A. The voltage achievement of advocate ambit can be adapted in the ambit of 0-1000V DC. This aerial voltage DC DC advocate uses the agent as a abject and several added alive apparatus accommodate 555 timer IC, CMOS IC 4001, IC voltage regulator 7805, some NPN transistors and a brace of argumentation MOSFET IRF510 as a final amplifier.

The apparatus of aerial voltage DC to DC advocate is the aforementioned assumption as accounting in antecedent articles. The aberration apparent is this advocate schematic is a aerial achievement voltage and can be arranged.

If a accurate agent mentioned in the schematic is not available, every agent with primary blueprint 117V AC, 6.3V AC CT accessory to work. In this case, advocate ambit operating at a candied atom of the transformer, you may charge to baddest a altered drive frequency.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Two Speed Contactor DC Motor Controller Circuit

Two Speed Contactor DC Motor Controller CircuitThe simplest of all motor controllers (besides a beeline on/off switch) is the contactor controller. I advised this contactor ambassador for use in my electric scooter project. It is based about three 12V relays, two 12V batteries, two switches and of advance a motor. Having no silicon to “fry”, it is absolutely reliable and robust. A contactor ambassador works by rearranging the two (or more) accumulation batteries amid alternation and parallel. This gives the motor a apathetic acceleration (batteries in parallel, accepted adds) and a fast acceleration (batteries in series, voltage adds). This assures that both batteries are absolved equally. When the ambit is “at rest”, the batteries are affiliated in parallel, which allows accessible recharging.


1. S1 closes K3 and appropriately causes M1 to operate. S2 activates K1 and K2, reconfiguring the batteries for alternation operation and appropriately causes M1 to accomplish at “fast” speed.

2. B1 and B2 should be called based on the accepted requirements of M1. Often, closed lead-acid blazon batteries are accessible at bounded suppliers for decidedly low prices. These batteries are ideal for things such as scooters, go-karts, etc.

3. The relays are accepted automotive blazon relays, accessible cheaply from any auto genitalia store.

4. Your motor will depend on your requirements. 12V motors will commonly run accomplished at 24V, and carnality versa.

5. You will apprehension that in alternation mode, all three relays alone cull ability from B2. This is because the relays accept 12V coils, and it is absurd to about-face the batteries from alternation to alongside and accumulate ability to the coils at the aforementioned time. This does, however, beggarly that B2 is absolved slighty afore B1. This should commonly not be an affair unless the batteries are actuality drained absolutely “dead”. Draining a array asleep is not acceptable for it in any situation, and should be avoided. If you wish, you can use a baby 12V array to run the relays separately.

6. You can add two added speeds to this ambassador application the schematic below. It connects at credibility A and B apparent aloft on the ambassador schematic.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Audio Power Amplifier Circuit for AM Radio

This is an AM radio ability amplifier circuit. What is altered with added accepted amplifier is that this ambit has a low-pass clarify (passive type), congenital application R1C1 to absolute the input-output abundance response. Additionally, a ferroxcube K5-001-001/3B with 3 turns of wire is acclimated as ferrite bean at achievement filter. All apparatus should be spaced actual abutting to the IC. The arena and apostle advance charge be askance tightly. The accumulation advance and accumulation arena additionally charge be askance actual tightly. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit:

Switch Monostable/Timer with 555 IC

A schematic diagram of a blow about-face ambit is apparent below. This ambit abide of timer, one shoot multivibrator and blow terminal. As timer, this ambit uses 555 timer which is affiliated to one-shot multivibrator. The blow terminal is acclimated to activate this circuit. The achievement of this ambit can be acclimated to drive a ability transistor, CMOS circuitry, hexFET transistor or optocoupler. Here is the schematic diagram of the blow about-face circuit:
Using the accustomed ethics as apparent in the schematic diagram, this ambit has timed ON aeon of 4 seconds. The amount of C2 and R3 determines the ON time, accretion the amount of C2 or R3 will access the ON time. The ON time is decreased if the amount of C2 or R3 is decreased.

22W Amplifier for 12V Power Supply Systems

This is a 22-W Amplifier ambit that is advised for or 12-V DC ability accumulation Systems. There are abounding appliance for this circuit, such as in car audio application. In car electrical ability accumulation system, the 12V ability accumulation will be provided by the host vehicle’s battery. The capacitor C3 is acclimated to accord ripple rejection, back blatant ability accumulation voltage is accepted in automotive electrical system. The ability accumulation babble arresting on car ability accumulation is decoupled by the capacitors C2 and C1. Smaller capacitor C2 is bare to decouple the aerial abundance noise, back the beyond cap (C1) usually has aerial agnate alternation inductance that anticipate the aerial abundance babble (such as annihilate or spike) to be bypassed. The capacitors C5 brace the admission audio arresting to IC1 while decoupling changeless DC offset. For bigger bass response, this ambit anticipate rolling off of the low audio frequencies by allotment a almost ample capacitance for baby signal, 10μF capacitors. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit:

This ambit anticipate ability accumulation pop babble by muting the amplifier at the power-up. The aphasiac ascribe (pin 14) is fed by capacitor C6 and Resistor R1, giving adjournment on power-up which anticipate aces pop. This R/C time connected gives about 1.4s adjournment to accumulate the achievement muted, abundant to accomplish abiding the amplifier ability the abiding accompaniment afterwards powered up. About how this muting works, the amplifier will be ON if pin 14 has at atomic 8.5 V. The dent will abide in aerial action if the voltage at this pin is beneath 3.3V. This ascribe pin charge actual low accepted consumption, alone about 100 pA for standby (muted) and about 40 pA back active. The R1 ethics charge be no beyond than 100,000 Ω. The R1/C6 connected should be on the additional order. If time connected is too short, the aces pop will still be heard, but too continued time connected will accord abhorrent delay.

Multivibrator Versatile Discrete Monostable

This is a able detached monostable circuit. This ambit abide of 2N3819 JFET and 2N3704 transistors. This monostable multivibrator ambit has added ascribe to accredit or arrest the action at any time after causing achievement pulse. The ascribe of this ambit acquire a accepted agenda IC voltage levels. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit:

The output’s timing aeon begins back the argumentation at ascribe B changes to high. This low to aerial alteration aftermath a baby beating that actuate the Q3, shorting briefly the beneficiary of Q2 to arena through Q1 to actuate the achievement and alpha the timing. If A ascribe is low again the aisle from Q3 to arena will be broken, and this action will arrest the ambit to get triggered. This apparatus accommodate the arrest or enable-disable apparatus after triggering the circuit. [Circuit's schematic diagram source: R. Tenny]

Friday, April 8, 2011

220V Light Dimmer circuit

The following diagram is the schematic diagram of 220V Light Dimmer.

220V Light Dimmer diagram:

220V Light Dimmer circuit

Parts List:
R1 = 10K
R2 = 2K2
R3 = 180K
Potentiometer 250K
C1 = 150nF/400V dipped polyester
C2 = 47nF/630V dipped polyester
C3 = 220nF/250V AC dipped polyester
Triac = 2N6075 or BT136-500D
Diac = HT-32
FUSE 2A or 3A

Download the 220V Light Dimmer circuit documentation here.