
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Alarm Water Level Indicator

Alarm Water Level IndicatorAlarm Water Level Indicator Circuit

This ambit not alone indicates the bulk of baptize present in the aerial catchbasin but additionally gives an anxiety back the catchbasin is full.

The ambit uses the broadly accessible CD4066, mutual about-face CMOS IC to announce the baptize akin through LEDs.

When the baptize is abandoned the affairs in the catchbasin are accessible circuited and the 180K resistors pulls the about-face low appropriately aperture the about-face and LEDs are OFF. As the baptize starts bushing up, aboriginal the wire in the catchbasin affiliated to S1 and the + accumulation are shorted by water. This closes the about-face S1 and turns the LED1 ON. As the baptize continues to ample the tank, the LEDs2 , 3 and 4 ablaze up gradually.

The no. of levels of adumbration can be added to 8 if 2 CD4066 ICs are acclimated in a agnate fashion.

When the baptize is full, the abject of the transistor BC148 is pulled aerial by the baptize and this saturates the transistor, axis the buzzer ON. The SPST about-face has to be opened to about-face the buzzer OFF.

Remember to about-face the about-face ON while pumping baptize contrarily the buzzer will not sound!

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