
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Static 0 to 9 Display using SN7446 and 7490

Static 0 to 9 Display using SN7446 and 7490

The circuit shown here is a simple Static 0-9 Display can be used in many applications. The circuit is based on 7490 asynchronous decade counter (IC2), a 7-segment display (D1), and a seven-segment decoder / driver IC 7446 (IC1).

The seven-segment display consists of 7 LEDs as 'a' to 'g'. For different LEDs bias, we can show the digits 0 to 9. Seven Segment Displays are of two types, the common cathode and common anode. Like the type of anode anodes of all seven LEDs are attached, while the type common cathode cathodes are all together. The seven-segment display used here is a type common anode. The resistance R1 to R7 are current limiting resistors. IC 7446 is a decoder / driver IC that is used to control the seven segment display.

Work of this circuit is very simple. For each clock pulse output of IC2 BCD (7490) advances a bit. The IC1 (7446) decodes the BCD output for the form of seven segments and controlling the display to indicate the corresponding digit.

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