
Monday, October 10, 2011

Battery Charger using LM317 Regulator

Battery Charger using LM317 Regulator

This Battery Charger is very similar to the universal charger that uses the constant current load. But this is much simpler to build and can be built using only two parties, the LM317 regulator and resistance. The use of diode D is for protection against short circuits. Capacitors C1 and C2 is good voltage regulation. Resistance R2 operates a dummy load when the battery is disconnected. The idea of ​​this magazine is the output current is equal to 1.2 V, divided by the value of R1.

Part List:
R1 - see the values in table below
R2 - 2.2 kilo-ohms 1/4W
C1,C2 - 47uF/25V, or any value will do, the higher the better
D - 1N4001 or any similar diode at-least 1A rated

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